DEV Community

Gabriel Linassi
Gabriel Linassi

Posted on

How to create a polymorphic Button with variants in NextJS + TailwindCSS + TS + RadixUI

This is a quick post just to share a nice way how to do it with full TypeScript support. It uses RadixUI Slot component for the polymorphism.

import React, { forwardRef } from 'react';
import { cnMerge } from 'common/cn-merge';
import { Slot } from '@radix-ui/react-slot';

const baseClasses = /*tw:*/ `inline-flex items-center justify-center gap-2 font-bold text-center rounded-md`;

const variantsLookup = {
  solid: /*tw:*/ `text-white bg-primary hover:shadow-button duration-100`,
  outline: /*tw:*/ `text-primary border border-blue-300 hover:bg-blue-600 hover:border-primary`,
  subtle: /*tw:*/ `text-primary hover:bg-blue-600`,

const sizesLookup = {
  base: /*tw:*/ `px-5 py-2.5`,

type ButtonProps = {
  children: React.ReactNode;
  variant?: 'outline' | 'solid' | 'subtle';
  size?: 'base';
  href?: string;
  className?: string;
  asChild?: boolean;

const Button = forwardRef<HTMLButtonElement, ButtonProps>((props, ref) => {
  const { children, variant, size, asChild, className, } = props;

  const classes = cnMerge([
    variantsLookup[variant || 'solid'],
    sizesLookup[size || 'base'],

  const Comp = asChild ? Slot : 'button';

  return (
    <Comp {} className={classes} ref={ref}>

export default Button;
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<NextLink href="/extension" passHref>
  <Button asChild>
      <ExtensionIcon />
      Install Chrome Extension

/* ---- */

<Button asChild>
  <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
    <ExtensionIcon />
    Install Chrome Extension

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