Hi! My name is Vadim and it's my first blog post!
I've been writing code for a while now and working as a community leader for 2.5 years for GDG and now for Facebook DevC. I was always satisfied with what I am busy with, but there was always an idea in the back of my head "hey, why won't you start sharing stuff with the world as a blogger or speaker?". And now I am finally feeling like I should do that.
Just to get to know each other a little I feel like sharing some tech details of my website which I created to organize my digital "face" is a good idea. You can find my website here βΒ https://fuzzyreason.io/
The stack
Since I am a great fan of JAMstack and React and after some time digging I realize that I want to stick with Gatsby. And now let's check some other tools that I am using.
- Styled Components with Emotion.
- Netlify as a deployment service that is great and super user friendly, it is always a pleasure to work with Netlify
- Netlify CMS for content management is quite straightforward and easy to configure, so I decided to stick with it
And thanks to the tremendous Gatsby ecosystem there are a lot of great plugins that make the development process extremely satisfying, here is the list:
- gatsby-plugin-react-helmet - for meta purposes
- gatsby-plugin-preact - which is the most simple way to minify the resulted bundle size
- gatsby-source-filesystem - if you are not familiar with the stack, this plugin is the connection line for your data and markup
- gatsby-transformer-remark - which is a parsing tool for MD files with listed options: gatsby-remark-relative-images, gatsby-remark-images, gatsby-remark-reading-time, gatsby-remark-prismjs
- gatsby-transformer-sharp and gatsby-plugin-sharp - for images optimization
- gatsby-plugin-manifest - so your website can live as a PWA
- gatsby-plugin-offline - for an offline support
- gatsby-plugin-netlify - to automatically generate a _headers file for HTTP headers and redirects configuration on Netlify
gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms - which automatically generates
where CMS lives - gatsby-plugin-emotion - which gives the Emotion support
- gatsby-plugin-optimize-svgs - a great tool for auto svg optimization, so you don't have to manually compress svg files
- gatsby-plugin-react-svg - to drop in svg-react-loader to gatsby webpack config.
That's about it for the stack to fit my website's needs and make the development process quite comfortable and automatic in some aspects.
And that's the moment when I can only applause to the Gatsby team without dropping a single word.
fuzzyreason.ioΒ is not a perfect example to demonstrate Gatsby's performance beauty and power, but it does provide all of the tools necessary to build blazing fast products.
To summarise
Sharing some details about my website is a blogging starting point and introduction in some way, which I am happy about. My website is open-source on github, so if you feel like something that can be done better and more fancy I am more than happy to chat or you can open an issue.
Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the upcoming posts!
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