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Full Stack Geek

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Articles trending over various communities | For Programmers

In this article, we would be listing out trending articles across various dev communities like, Full Stack Geek, and so on. So let's start:

1) Some Agile Rules Are Meant to Be Broken
About This Article: There is a rule within the Scrum Agile framework that dictates that there are to be absolutely no breaks between sprints. The team is required to flow smoothly out of one development iteration and directly into the next with clockwork-like regularity in an unabated quest to deliver value. Pausing between sprints, the rule says, would significantly compromise the team's ability to learn and adapt, rendering them less agile.
Read the complete article here: Some Agile Rules Are Meant to Be Broken

2) PHP Cookies and Sessions | Detailed Explanation | Coding Examples
About This Article: In this article, we would be discussing the Concepts like Sessions and Cookies in great depth with Coding Examples in PHP. We would be seeing the differences between Sessions and Cookies in PHP. We would also be learning how to set Sessions and Cookies in PHP through Coding Examples.
Read the complete article here: PHP Cookies and Sessions | Detailed Explanation | Coding Examples

3) Uploading Files in React While Keeping The UI Completely In Sync
About This Article: Building a file upload component is a very important skill to learn as it allows users to select and send files outside of their local environment.With that said, this post is putting a heavy focus on the native file api in JavaScript.
Read the complete article here: Uploading Files in React While Keeping The UI Completely In Sync

4) InnoDB vs MyISAM | Storage Engines | Tabular Differences
About This Article: In this article, we would be discussing Main Differences between Storage Engines like InnoDB and MyISAM, written in Tabular form for great understanding. Before moving to the comparison between the two most popular MySQL Storage Engines, we need to know what exactly are these Storage Engines. So, these are basically the underlying software MySQL components. They can handle the SQL operations for different table types (like transactional and non-transactional tables) to store and manage data/information in a database.
Read the complete article here: InnoDB vs MyISAM | Storage Engines | Tabular Differences

5) Var vs Let in JavaScript
About This Article: Declaring variables in Javascript was not a cake walk up until 2015 when ECMA 2015 was introduced and hence let and const was introduced and we got rid of var (It still works though!).
Why I have used the phrase "got rid of"?, Imagine you are allowed to declare variables again and again within the same scope (which is allowed when you are using var and obviously not allowed in case of let), it would lead to a mess as your code base grows significantly and hence let was introduced which would throw an error if you ever try to re-declare a variable within the same scope.
Read the complete article here: Var vs Let in JavaScript

6) 42 most popular GitHub JS repositories in June 2019
About This Article: I don't know if there is any more challenging and inspirational task than picking JS (and Rails) monthly popular repositories. This is a huge responsibility and pleasure. From the moment you have found something useful and new, you need only a couple of seconds to understand whether you will use it in your work. Unfortunately, in most cases, those marvelous tools I find are not used by you.
Read the complete article here: 42 most popular GitHub JS repositories in June 2019

7) Removing a Database Index from Rails Console
About This Article: If you're familiar with Rails, you might be reading this and wondering, "Why would I ever need to remove a database column from console? Shouldn't I be doing this through a proper Rails migration?" Well, you're right! This should probably be done safely through a Rails migration; however, we here at DEV found ourselves in a funny situation.
Read the complete article here: Removing a Database Index from Rails Console

8) Best PHP Frameworks (2019) | Google Trends | Stack Overflow Insights
About This Article: In this article, we will be discussing the best PHP Frameworks along with their pros and cons in great depth so that one might get a clear understanding of which one to chose. Our comprehensive research would include some Latest PHP Frameworks.
Read the complete article here: Best PHP Frameworks (2019) | Google Trends | Stack Overflow Insights

9) What should I learn after PHP | Roadmap 2019
About This Article: In this article, we would be discussing the roadmap a developer should follow after learning/working in PHP or any other language for a significant amount of time.
Read the complete article here: What should I learn after PHP | Roadmap 2019

10) Asynchronous JavaScript | Callbacks | Closures | Promises
About This Article: In this article, we are going to discuss Asynchronous tasks in significant depth. We will be discussing what exactly are Asynchronous tasks, what the hack are callbacks, closures, promises and much more in the context of JavaScript.
Read the complete article here: Asynchronous JavaScript | Callbacks | Closures | Promises

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