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Discussion on: Security For Your Web Apps - And Why It's Important

frothandjava profile image
Scot McSweeney-Roberts

Imagine if your company was successfully attacked, and all of your customer data stolen. Would it survive the PR nightmare?

If a credit ratings agency (of all things) or a major ISP can survive data breaches, I'm guessing any company could. I'm not advocating that security shouldn't be taken seriously, only that the sad answer to your question is "yeah, probably".

I also wouldn't be so sure that a GDPR strike would necessarily be fatal to a company. Again, I'm not advocating that the GDPR should not be taken seriously, I just don't think the general public care all that much and when they do care it's only temporary - once the privacy panic of the moment has dropped out of the news cycle everyone's back on Facebook cheerfully ignoring thier own best interests.

dotnetcoreblog profile image

I agree with you, in part.

Whilst the big companies (ISPs and credit rating agencies) can survive, a startup or relatively small company couldn't. And if the company had to close as a result of a GDPR strike, then the chances of those employees being hired elsewhere would be pretty minimal.

interviewer: can you tell us why you chose to leave your previous company?
interviewee: we had a GDPR strike and it wiped out the company