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Cover image for A new way of saying good morning to my dad

A new way of saying good morning to my dad

FRicardi on September 07, 2023

Motivation My dad loves good morning images. Those with happy little animals, whimsical forests and a happy message to start the day. Ev...
fyodorio profile image

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joseamayadev profile image
José Antonio Fernández

Awesome, leveraging an idea with AI nowadays is a great quality and we should all develop this capability. Now all that's left is to connect this to WhatsApp and turn it into a sort of daily personal motivator. I liked the way you took the idea and turned it into a product.

fricardi profile image

My initial thought was exactly that... I've seen so much about it but never tried myself. It was so pleasant to see it running hahaha thanks a lot for the comment!

fm1randa profile image

Just by reading the first paragraph I knew that you’re Brazilian 😂
By the way, I loved the idea and how you showed love for your dad with this project! Congrats 🎉

Tip: Deploy it! People will like to try your app

fricardi profile image

Brazilian culture at its finest hahahaha Obrigado! I will try to deploy in a way that anyone can use without compromising the free trial, another person pointed out a way of getting more credits and that might help to do a proper deploy.

mainarthur profile image
Arthur Kh

That is an amazing project! Thank you for the post and code

Have you tried to publish it as a website or tool?

fricardi profile image

Thanks! I haven't thought on publishing it as a generative tool because of the cost to generate text and images. But I might publish it as sort of a gallery in the next few days 😃

mainarthur profile image
Arthur Kh

You can ask for API keys from user and don't pay for OpenAI's API as I did it here:

Thread Thread
fricardi profile image

That's amazing! Will take a look on it

shubhankarval profile image
Shubhankar Valimbe

I love the creativity of this project! I can't help but think how perplexed the dad would be by the 100 "Good morning, Dad!" messages hehe, but I'm sure he would appreciate the sentiment. Maybe next time, you could try using a different image for each message, so that the dad has a little bit of variety to look at.

fricardi profile image

Thank you! I already seen him forwarding the image, spreading the word hahahaha
The images are generated to each message! I have an array of animals and other of sceneries, so the system picks up two animals and a scenery to build the image, there were some true gems this week ahaha
Image description

ebcefeti profile image
E. B. Cefeti

I do like the DALL-E value-for-tokens approach, it's a couple of bucks, but the alternatives here are really interesting for what you can do procedurally. Appreciated.

fricardi profile image

I forgot to mention the value for tokens on the article, but it is incredible how effective it is. For ChatGPT, I've tested about 100 times and haven't spend one dollar cent yet. I just didn't used DallE because I couldn't find a playground on their site for free, it says that I need to add some credits. For the api, I belive that ChatGPT and DallE consume from the same place, and it's Hella cheap as well. Sure that the open-ai toolbelt is terrific, and so easy to use. Thanks for the appreciation!

opauloh profile image
Paulo Henrique

very creative, congratulations 🚀

fricardi profile image


davboy profile image
Daithi O’Baoill

Excellent! Thank you.

fricardi profile image


clickit_devops profile image
ClickIT - DevOps and Software Development

Wow! This is such a cool and creative project. Thanks for sharing!

fricardi profile image

Thank you!!

hassanbhb profile image
Hassan ben haj bouih

Very cool project, now your dad get to have the coolest good morning images :D.

fricardi profile image

Let's see if he figures out, he already forwarded the images to his friends hahahah thanks for the comment!