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SEO for Developers: 5 strategies to get your first 100 backlinks

Developers most often don't know(don't like) how to do marketing.

So you can just focus on SEO and keep building features.

But to rank lush content, you need backlinks.

So take these 5 tactics and build your first 100 backlinks in 3 months.

1. Communities

Just ask for the link exchange. You'll be surprised how many people want to do it. But be sure to use relevant to your niche communities and place their links back.


It's a service that connects journalists with sources, including BI, NYTimes, and USA Today.

After signing up, you'll get an email 3 times a day with new requests. The majority of them will be not relevant to you, but there is one simple hack you can use.

Create a Gmail filter with [HERO] in a subject and keywords you what to monitor in a Has the words field.

Then look for queries that likely look for multiple experts for the topic and respond to them.

3. Guest posting

Guest posting is when you create content to be posted on another website.
Generally picking, that post comes with attribution and a link back to your site.
Find sites in your niche and pitch them with your expertise.

4. Podcast interview

It will take just an hour of your time to get a backlink in this way, but also being interviewed on a podcast will place you as an expert in front of someone else's audience.

5. Email outreach for your best content

This strategy works for the unique content that people in your niche can be interested in.

You can use the same sites you find for the guests posting and ask them to link to you.

But be sure to offer something unique.


  1. Communities
  2. HERO
  3. Guest posting
  4. Podcast interview
  5. Email outreach for your best content

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