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Wilfred Chukwu
Wilfred Chukwu

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How i learned flask in one week by building

lets be honest here it actually takes more than one week to actually master flask but in one week its actually possible to grasp the basics and get things running up in flask, as they say all you have to do is get started "Action"
so im going to be laying out how i wrote my first webapp in flask and also got comfortable with flask basics ps-i am still learning flask.

Day 1- i knew nothing about flask but i was already adapted to python so starting out wasn't that tough well i did what every millennial would do "Google" first i researched what flask documentations, flask limits, when and the best type of web app to use flask and if it was worth learning by day one i was already equipped with what flask was and the difference between flask and Django

Day 2 & 3- Flask is a micro web framework
now i knew what flask was i needed to know how it works, rules and syntax in the library but the way i learn is this first i look through what i want to learn scope through it then come back and learn it piece by piece. through google i found cs50 flask lecture and Corey Schafer's youtube playlist on building a webblog with flask
after spending hours watching and following their tutorials now i have got the push to write my first project in flask but i had to make a plan.

Day 4 & 3 - Building with flask
what other popular way to build a project in a new library than to start by building a todolist app. the objective of this app was to store activities you want to do daily and to delete or tick as done when you complete the activity
building this todo app enabled me to learn how to use flask sqlachemy, templates, static files and how to connect my back-end to the front-end

Day 5, 6 & 7 - Git push
i have successfully built my first webapp with flask and at this point i dont feel like stopping, i feel like doing more making more mistakes and learning from it
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thats the overall view of the app , i know it looks basic but this is just for me to get started in flask and here is the github link for the source code

for the beginners like me dont be afraid or give up easily all you have to do i start you dont have to be guru or whatever just know programming fundamentals and python syntax is all you need to get started dont let anyone tell you something else otherwise
like i said im just getting started i plan on building more complicated programs in the future and will surely update you guys about it

Top comments (3)

edmongarcia6 profile image
Edmon Garcia

Great blog! :)

fredcode profile image
Wilfred Chukwu

thanks man

hossainchisty profile image
Hossain Chisty

awesome !!!