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Iwobi Okwudili Frank
Iwobi Okwudili Frank

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Mailpit and Laravel Integration: A Complete Guide for Local Email Testing

Mailpit is a local email testing tool, similar to MailHog or MailCatcher, used by developers to capture and inspect emails sent by an application during development. It provides a web-based interface where you can view, search, and debug email messages without actually sending them to a live email server.

It is a very useful and developer friendly tool but there is no adequate documentation on how to set it up in a Laravel app. That's what we'll do today.

Basic Setup

  • Install Mailpit: You can install it via Homebrew on macOS.
   brew install mailpit
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If you are on Windows or Linux you can download the static binary. Read this guide for more information.

  • Run Mailpit: Start the Mailpit server by running:
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Or set it up to run automatically by running:

   brew services start mailpit
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  • Access Mailpit Web Interface: Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8025 to view incoming emails in the Mailpit UI.

Laravel Setup

Go to you .env file and input this setup

MAIL_USERNAME=your username @ your system name here
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You can get your user and system name by running the following command

   echo "$(whoami)@$(hostname)"
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That's all! Now whenever an email is sent from your laravel app you would be able to view it in the browser.

Final look

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