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What can I build for my family?

Franco Scarpa on June 03, 2020

I want to build a mobile application for my family. Probably it'll be a Web application since the Web represents the fastest way for me to build so...
quasipickle profile image
Dylan Anderson

I built a "Gifts" web app. We're bad at buying gifts others want, so I made a site where members can create a wishlist, and other members can mark it as "bought" (which is hidden from the wishing member). Makes Christmas a lot easier, though admittedly a bit less thoughtful.

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa

Really nice idea! Thanks for it. What did you use (languages, tools, etc.) to build it?

quasipickle profile image
Dylan Anderson

I didn't worry about making it fancy, so I just did standard Bootstrap + PHP + MySQL

ben profile image
Ben Halpern • Edited

I 100% plan to get my family onto Forem when it's ready for that use case.

  • Super duper private. No spies or ads.
  • Fewer missed moments vs chat threads and fully synchronous environments
  • Sort by old stuff to keep a shared photo book of all the kids growing up
  • Invite spouses into to the network when they join the family

Of course this isn't software you entirely build, but that's the beauty of open source. You could help us tackle some of the complex coding problems and we could build out this use case together. ❀️

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa

I didn't know about this great idea! I'm for it! It's something too big for my situation, but I'll stay tuned about its development.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€ • Edited

What problems do your family have and then go from there. This could be anything from a bathroom schedule to a list of jobs to do.

My family uses Trello boards for everything is that strange? We would use Jira but it's too expensive haha. FAM-5836 take out the trash, assigned to my 2 year old son.

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa

That's the problem, I can't figure out any practical ideas to develop something, but maybe a simple to-do app could do the trick.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€

Do you have kids for starters because a gamified Todo list would be fun

emadsaber profile image

I think that your family members have the answer, you can make a great app but its not useful for them. You have to ask them to find an app idea that covers their needs.

Two years ago, my wife was asking me everyday, what should we cook today? And that question bothers me and nearly all men, so I created a mobile app for her, contains all list of meals that I and her like, she opens the app presses one button , the app selects a random meal that she will cook today. :D :D

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa

That would be perfect for me and my future girlfriend, ahah! Unfortunately it's not something practical for my family since we rarely eat together. Thanks anyway!

veselinastaneva profile image
Vesi Staneva

That is a very nice idea! My personal favorite is where one of our customers on SashiDo shared how he started creating a game (Pokemon Go-like) with his 10 y.o. son so they can connect during Quarantine. So why not build a fun game and involve all family members in the process? :)

We also had a post about X-mas idea gifts where you can find some inspo. And if you're looking for a place to build and host your project - on SashiDo we offer an extended 45-days Free Trial, so you can build your project for free ;)

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa

The gift idea is something I can carry on... Thanks!

veselinastaneva profile image
Vesi Staneva

You're welcome and have fun! :)

bitdweller profile image
Pedro Pimenta

Also: (I'm adding an idea beside my other reply)

My girlfriend loves to discover whatever plants/trees we see on our walks, what use do they have, etc. Recently she started a "community" with a couple of friends where they post their findings and share with each other! I think it's a great idea. She's not a programmer not near that, in fact she's not very technical so they're making docs on a shared folder on Google Drive, which I think is a brilliant solution for them :)

I'm thinking of building something for them but my hand are full right now!

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa

Amazing! Thanks!!!

bitdweller profile image
Pedro Pimenta

I'm building a card game to play with my family. As we travel a lot and for long times aren't near each other but love playing cards, I decided to build an online version of our favourite card game!

It's fun, it's not extremely hard (this depends, of course), people will help you test it even if it's not finalized and it is a project with purpose.

Think of things you like to do or need to do and how to take that online.

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa

Thanks for the advice!

paulfijma profile image
Paul Fijma

well, we have a discussion every day about the dinner, what to eat. a simple app that helps select what to eat. (in advance for a few days) that learns what ingredients are needed to make them, time to prepare and such... it might produce a list of groceries for the day, days or week. it might even be intelligent enough to tell where the best offer is. Or if you are a daredevil order it online. maybe its smart as well and sends a message to me when i am close to a location where they sell the groceries needed (and counted as almost empty/out of stock etc.) go wild. might be usefull for other families or people that are less mobile. etc.

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa

Thanks for the advice!

kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman • Edited

For pure utility, an app to request items from the store. Sometimes I think of something earlier in the week but do not remember it by the time the store trip is getting planned. Yes, Trello could easily be used for this. But you could also grow your app iteratively as you think of new things.

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa

That could be my winning idea! Thanks!

lehmannsystems profile image

Maybe just a family sharing board? Like a group chat with more features

mikgross profile image

This would be nice, like a facebook wall for family :)

lehmannsystems profile image

I've also thought about building a cool "home control panel." Would have a page for controlling our smart home and then a board for doodles, notes, lists, photos

Thread Thread
mikgross profile image

Ah if you have a Smart Home you can do cool stuff! Control your kids' time at home, tell them to go outside via a speaker, turn off their consoles haha

Thread Thread
lehmannsystems profile image

Ha yeah that would be pretty cool. It's hard to come up with a unique idea these days

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa

Our Telegram group is already perfect for us, thanks anyway!

fayaz profile image
Fayaz Ahmed

Since you mentioned family, why not build something like Cocoon

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa

I didn't know about it, really interesting! Thanks.

hemant profile image
Hemant Joshi

A website with a todo memory section and a coming events and get together section😁

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa


mikedg profile image
mike dg

I built a Google assistant app that lets my kid ask if either of us are in a meeting and it tells him which parent he should talk to, sometimes both, more often just mom.

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa

Interesting idea, thanks!

cubiclesocial profile image

A family recipe web app.

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa


abelmoremi profile image
Abel Moremi

Not an app... but use Google Cloud Platform to start a custom Minecraft server😎

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa
