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React Data Fetching Pattern - Part IV

This article is a continuation of

Click here to access the Github repo for the code examples discussed below.


From the previous discussions, we see that there are pros and cons with each data fetching method. Could there be a method that is both performant and easy to use? Enter SWR.

SWR is a relatively recent library created by Vercel, the same team that created NextJS. SWR stands for stale-while-revalidate.

SWR promises

to supply data to components constantly and automatically. And the UI will be always fast and reactive.

To make the data fetching really easy, SWR provides useSWR hook which accepts an API url and a callback function (fetcher) and then it returns data and error. There is also an option for suspense:true with useSWR hook, which allows for integration with the React Suspense API.

React Suspense API will wait for the data to finish loading before showing the UI to a user. While waiting, a fallback component, such as <Loading /> will be shown to the user.

To make the code reusable and avoid prop-drilling, we can perform the data fetching in a custom hook (useUsers), as below. We have to first define a fetcher function, where the getUsers function will reside. The fetcher function will then be passed as a callback function to the useSWR hook.

const fetcher = async (apiURL:string) => {
        const {results:data} = await getUsers(apiURL)
        return => ({
            username: user.login.username,
    } catch(error) {
        throw new Error("unable to fetch data")

const useUsers = () => {
    const {data, error} = useSWR(apiURL, fetcher,{suspense:true})

    return ({
        users: data,
        loading: !data && !error ? true : false,
        error: error

export default useUsers;
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With the useUsers hook set up, any react component will now have access to the users state through the useUsers hook, as below.

export default function CardList() {
  const { users } = useUsers()

  return (
    <div className="grid sm:grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-3 lg:grid-cols-4 justify-center grid-cols-1 mt-8">
      <Suspense fallback={<Loading />}>
        { => (<CardItem key={`${}${}`} user={user}/>))}
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  • As you can see from the codes above, useSWR greatly simplifies the complexity of the initial code set up to fetch data, and this is done without compromising on performance (it is incredibly performant!).
  • Besides the advantages above, SWR also provides other utilities such as data refetching & prefetching, conditional fetching, caching and data refresh interval config.

Now, at this point, I would also like to introduce an alternative library that provides similar utilities as SWR - React Query.

To be continued:

For more information on SWR, see here.

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