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Francisco Inoque
Francisco Inoque

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No Datas, No Marketing

How the LinkedIn Database Can Power Your Tech Startup?

In a world where data is everything, your tech startup needs to have a strong dataset if you want to be successful. And there's no better dataset than the LinkedIn database. With over 17 million companies and people's profiles from all over the world, this database has everything you need to power your marketing efforts.

If you have a business that needs to target or research professionals, then the LinkedIn database is an incredible resource. It's especially useful for recruiting, sales intelligence, and market research. It's a nearly endless source of data that can be used to find new leads, customers, and business opportunities.

In short, the LinkedIn dataset is a goldmine for startups and businesses alike. If you're not using it, you're missing out on a huge opportunity.

So the question you're asking now is, how can I access these data?

This is where LinkDB comes in.
LinkDB is a complete LinkedIn dataset of people and companies that provides you with an opportunity to integrate the vast sea of LinkedIn public data into your business applications in an easy, efficient and legal manner.

Google and Bing scrape public LinkedIn profiles and index them as part of their search results, so you know this data is reliable. And given the recent Supreme Court ruling on public datasets, you have the legal precedent backing this up.

So how can you use this data to power your marketing? First, you can use it to create targeted lists of companies or individuals that match your ideal customer profile. Then, you can reach out to them through LinkedIn or other channels with personalized messages.

There are endless possibilities for how you can use this data to power your marketing efforts. So if you're not using LinkDB yet, now is the time to start. Your tech startup will thank you for it!

Use LinkDB to power your marketing efforts and grow your startup!

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