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Stop Procrastinating Today: Learn the Best Methods with ChatGPT and Notion AI

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Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps - create a schedule or to-do list and stick to it.

Breaking tasks down into smaller, manageable steps is a well-known strategy, but it can be challenging to implement because we often want immediate results. For instance, if we want to start a new business, we may wish to have everything set up right away. However, every goal has a series of steps that need to be taken to achieve it.

For instance, growing a tree requires placing seeds in the soil, providing them with water, and waiting patiently for the tree to grow. Although it may take longer than a day to see the results, you now know how to try again and grow another tree. Growing a child is a more complex process, but the same principle applies - each step requires time and effort.
Remember that every task, no matter how big or small, consists of smaller parts that can be broken down and tackled individually. By doing so, you'll find that each step becomes more manageable, and you'll be able to make progress toward your goals, one small step at a time.

Let's look at an example, of how can we and need we plan our projects and days on the Notion AI example.

Create a Landing page plan:

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Creating a React course

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And next, we can improve it with a strategy by using a chatGPT:

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Sure, there's an improved version of the text:
As a developer, I find it challenging to create a plan for a course. While sharing my knowledge comes easily to me, breaking it down into small, actionable steps often feels overwhelming. That's where using an AI like ChatGPT comes in.
By requesting ChatGPT to create a plan and strategy for me, I am already involved in the process, which provides me with a high level of motivation. Having a clear plan with specific action items gives me a sense of direction and purpose, making it easier for me to tackle each step one at a time.

Now, with the plan in hand, I feel inspired and ready to take the next steps toward creating my course. Having a roadmap and clear goals helps me overcome my tendency to procrastinate and move forward with confidence. Overall, using an AI like ChatGPT has been a game-changer in helping me stay focused, motivated, and on track toward achieving my goals.

Prioritize your tasks based on their importance and urgency.

As demonstrated in the previous example of course steps, ChatGpt can be incredibly useful in prioritizing your tasks for you. Simply copy the provided to-do list and request ChatGpt to create a priority list for you. By doing so, you can save time and effort, ensuring that you are tackling the most important tasks first and making efficient progress toward your goals.

Using an AI like ChatGpt allows you to stay on track and be productive, even when you're feeling overwhelmed or unsure of where to start. So why not take advantage of this powerful tool and make the most of your time? Try it out for yourself and see the results for yourself.

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As you see in the example, it's easy to check if you have a good prioritization y using this tool.You do not need to count on it, however, you can make it faster and exam yourself.

Set deadlines and hold yourself accountable.

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We have tackled the first hurdle of procrastination by employing two assistants to generate ideas for our plan more efficiently, freeing up our time to be more creative and flexible. However, what about deadlines? The word itself can be anxiety-inducing, and life is never perfect, which means plans are often disrupted.

To avoid the stress and potential failure of a rigid plan, we suggest dividing it into two parts. Firstly, focus on the to-do's that are within your control, which should make up more than 50% of the plan. While some external factors like sickness or familial obligations may still arise, you can manage most of the tasks on your own.

The second part of the plan involves things you can't control, such as hitting a specific number of followers or sales by a certain date. While it's good to have a goal, be flexible with yourself and don't beat yourself up if you fall short. Instead, focus on being creative and doing everything you can to come as close as possible to achieving that goal. Remember, failure is a natural part of growth, so cultivate patience and perseverance.

It's important to keep Agile methodology in mind when planning, as your plan should always remain flexible and adaptable to change. It's unnecessary to create a strict plan as circumstances are ever-changing, and a rigid plan may hinder your progress rather than help it.

And of course, you can generate a plan with deadlines with Notion AI

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Use the Pomodoro Technique to break work into 25-minute intervals with short breaks in between.

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The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that can help boost productivity and prevent burnout. This technique involves breaking your work into 25-minute intervals, known as "Pomodoros," with short breaks in between. During each Pomodoro, you focus entirely on one task and work without any interruptions or distractions. After 25 minutes, take a short 5-minute break to rest and recharge. This break allows you to step away from work and refocus your mind, so you can return to the next Pomodoro with renewed energy and focus. By consistently using this technique, you can increase your productivity and complete your work more efficiently, while also taking care of your mental and physical well-being.

My totally 100% recommendation, use this method. It really helps to decrease stress and be more energetic and productive.

At the end of each round, you can hear the alarm which might be the best reason to Praise yourself. Actually, you can do it at the start and the end of each round, and that is also important. The improvement of it you can find in the book Tiny Habits

Eliminate distractions, such as social media or your phone.

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Eliminating distractions is a crucial component of effective time management and productivity. Distractions such as social media or your phone can pull your attention away from important tasks and disrupt your workflow, leading to a decrease in productivity and an increase in stress levels. To prevent this, it's essential to be mindful of your surroundings and take steps to minimize distractions. Turn off notifications for social media apps or other non-essential apps on your phone, put your phone on silent or in another room, and close any unnecessary tabs on your computer. By removing these distractions, you can improve your focus, increase your productivity, and complete your work more efficiently. This will ultimately allow you to achieve your goals and reduce stress and anxiety levels associated with unproductive work habits

In the book Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life, I found some useful recommendations for it.

  • Save to Pocket extension - you can faster save any link you need to read in the future. Fast way, and you can count on it. So instead of the waist of your time, you can just save it, and if it is really important for you, believe me, you will back to any info you found.
  • TodoBook extencion - to-do list instead of any social media in your browser. That is work. It actually deletes a hint to your brain at the beginning of the day.
  • Forest app - it is easy. Don't touch your phone, get coffee, and grow real trees. If you need a great goal for 'Not touching your phone', want to be special, wanna be a hero. It is for you!!!

Reward yourself after completing a task or milestone.

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Rewarding yourself after completing a task or milestone is an effective way to maintain motivation and improve productivity. By celebrating your achievements, no matter how small, you can reinforce positive behaviors and encourage yourself to keep going. The reward doesn't have to be extravagant or costly, but it should be something that motivates you and is enjoyable. For example, treat yourself to a favorite snack or beverage, take a short break to do something you enjoy, or spend time with a loved one.

By acknowledging your progress and rewarding yourself for your hard work, you can boost your confidence, maintain your focus, and ultimately achieve your goals more effectively.

In conclusion, incorporating effective time management strategies into your daily routine can have a significant impact on your productivity and overall well-being. By breaking your work into manageable tasks, eliminating distractions, using techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique, and rewarding yourself for your achievements, you can stay focused and motivated, accomplish your goals, and reduce stress levels associated with unproductive work habits. By implementing these strategies consistently, you can optimize your time and achieve success while also taking care of your mental and physical health. Remember, with dedication and perseverance, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

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