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How to be Less Busy and More Effective

Ilona Codes on January 16, 2020

In our hectic modern world, we believe that rushing from one task to the next and managing multiple priorities shows everyone that we are productiv...
markhopson profile image
Mark Hopson

πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’― "Motivation comes after productivity and not before"

nickyoung profile image
Nick Young

Excellent article.

"Just start doing something, and you will find it easier to keep going because taking action is what leads to motivation, which in turn leads to more action from your side."

This advice is so valuable.

codingmindfully profile image
Daragh Byrne

Take care of yourself first. Eat well, sleep, remember nobody is likely to die today because of anything you do. Meditate. Take long walks in nature, be with your loved ones.

Watch that tricky urge inside yourself to "do more" and learn to build a relationship with it. Question its motivations - why does it insist on that?

And yes, productivity first, then motivation - Just Do It, as the slogan goes! I have a lot of success with this.

thbe profile image

The biggest distraction and time-consuming topic are from my point of view missing in your post, it is the direct environment. Modern offices are open (open-plan vs. single office), allowing ad hoc communication if required. As a line manager, you should say things like: "My door is always open for you!". And even if you're not working in an open office, it becomes virtually open nowadays (think of all that messengers).

This is not bad in principle and definitely good for internal communication but makes it hard to keep the focus on specific tasks. The main problem is, even if you perfectly manage your time and you are able to focus exclusively on a single task, you get an additional aspect in the game that is nearly impossible to manage (especially if you are the key knowledge). But even if you don't know if you will be asked by colleagues one, two, ten or twenty times a day, add this to your planning as well, simply cause, you will be distracted and it will cost your time.

younesh1989 profile image
Younes Henni

Great article IIona.

For me, one of the big reasons I have difficulties to progress in my projects is my tendency to always start working on big tasks without breaking them first into small atomic steps.

I wrote a piece to showcase a possible solution to this issue.

nombrekeff profile image

"Winners don't do different things. They do things differently."
Nice quote, I will be remembering this one!

Great post, useful tips :)

vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe

The way you concluded the article πŸ’―

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