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Discussion on: How do you think of angularjs application

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Fabian Holzer • Edited

Many people underestimate the longevity of web applications. The lifecycle in enterprise projects is different, and longer than well, than that of your average marketing campain web site / landing page.

Companies are protective of their investments (rightfully so) - and there is just no way, that an application is rewritten, just because a new framework is released. I really don't want to know how many GWT apps are still alive and kicking (kicking their developers' asses, that is. Anybody who had to debug such a thing might know what I mean... ;))

And Angular and AngularJS 1.x simply are two different frameworks. The fact that they share the brand name and Google as the corporate sponsor, and the people working on Angular who have been formerly AngularJS developers should not fool anybody. Not even the utilities that have been provided to help ease migrations, can hide the fact that every migration of an AngularJS app to an Angular app is a rewrite.

There aren't very many arguments for choosing AngularJS for a new project (half a decade ago, that was different). The rare exception might be the combination of a short lived project and a developer is already very familiar with it, maybe. But then I agree with @cjbrooks12 - Vue would be the more plausible choice.

Actually, for a green field project I'd think most current frameworks are fair game. I've been working with Angular since beta7 (that is somewhat over two-and-a-half years now), and am happy with it. I think the component-based architecture will, with the advent of web components, lead to a better interoperability in the long run, so that need for re-writes will decrease in the future (or less idealistically speaking, they'll at least become cheaper).