Do any of you have your favorite bash functions or aliases? I've always been a fan of quick "lightning tips" that you can show maybe on one line, and do something specific.
Here are some of mine!
## timestamp dmesg with the current date, this sudo doesnt require password
alias datemsg='date | sudo tee /dev/kmsg'
## how many ms since the epoch?
alias epocms='date +%s%3N'
## ksm is kernel same-page merging for virtual machines,
## this allows me to keep tabs on performance and metrics
alias ksm-info='~/opt/'
( ksm-info is just a one-liner ...
for ki in /sys/kernel/mm/ksm/* ; do echo -n "$ki: " ; cat $ki ; done
## normal mutt is gmail, mm == local mail
alias mm='mutt -f ~/Mail/fredr'
## python pretends to be jq sometimes
alias pj='python -m json.tool'
## run a lot of ansible playbooks ... plans == play ansible
alias plans='ansible-playbook'
### .bashrc functions
## check on kernel entropy for ssh, vpn, encryption
entropy () { cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail; }
## pipe colorfied jq to less while keeping colors
jql () { jq -C . $1 | less -R ; }
Many other minor stuff too, like loading environment vars for Go or BC.
So what are some of yours?
Top comments (3)
Do you use Github gists as a notebook?
I also work with throwaway-VMs, so you may do well
rm -rf
-ing $GISTTMP when you're doneAlert my terminal if someone else has logged-into the same box that I am using.