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Dinesh Pandiyan
Dinesh Pandiyan

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Short Circuit Assignment in JavaScript

JS short circuit assignment

tldr; Assign default value to a variable using short circuit evaluation, when expected value is not found.

JavaScript is amazing. But most of the times we end up scratching our heads for accomplishing a simple task, like, assigning a default value to a variable when the expected value is not found (probably null/undefined).

Let's take this example,

const person = {
    name: 'Jack'

const name =;
const greetings = 'Hello' + ', ' + name + '!';
console.log(greetings) // => 'Hello, Jack!'
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Now if the name key is not available in person object,

const person = {};

const name =; // name is undefined here
const greetings = 'Hello' + ', ' + name + '!';
console.log(greetings) // => 'Hello, undefined!'
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This problem is very common in JavaScript world. We usually tackle scenarios like this by assigning default values.

// we either use if case
let name = 'Sunshine'; // default value
if (person && {
    name =;

// or we use ternary operator
const name = person && ? : 'Sunshine';

const greetings = 'Hello' + ', ' + name + '!'; // name will never be undefined now
console.log(greetings) // => 'Hello, Jack!'
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The above case was a simple scenario because we had to check only one variable. But if we need to assign based on multiple variables, then we end up writing messy not-easy-to-read code.

let foo, bar, baz;

// if case mess
let name;
if (foo) name = foo;
else if (bar) name = bar;
else if (baz) name = baz;
else name = 'Sunshine';

// ternary operator nightmare
const name = foo ? foo : (bar ? bar : (baz ? baz : 'Sunshine'));

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To save the world from messy code, there's one more sweeter trick to assign default values.

Short Circuit Assignment ✨

This is a shorter and cleaner way of assigning default values in JavaScript. This works based on short-circuit evaluation of logical operators where the first truthy value is returned.

const name = || 'Sunshine';

// if you're not sure if person object is defined
const name = (person && || 'Sunshine';

// can be used with as many variables as needed
let foo, bar, baz;
bar = 'Bar-da-Jack';
// first truthy value will be assigned to name
const name = foo || bar || baz || 'John'; // => name = 'Bar-da-Jack'
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The evaluation circuit breaks when a truthy value is found, and is returned to the assignment.

Any value which is not false, 0, '', "", null, undefined and NaN is considered to be truthy in JavaScript.

Note: Keep in mind, if you're expecting 0 as a value in a variable, this trick might not work as expected, as 0 is considered falsy in JavaScript.

So, fellow comrades, short-circuit and save the JavaScript world from messy code structures, one line at a time! 🎉

Top comments (1)

jagerbom profile image
Zachary Truong

I'm doing a review of my JS knowledge and this is an amazing article to enrich my learning.