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Monoliths vs Microservices

Mono means one, while Micro means very small. When you hear the words monolithic vs microservices, you can't help but to differentiate between them as one system being huge and the other as small.

What is a Monolith?

A monolith is an application structure that consist of one system. The entire system function is based on a single application. This makes the developing process faster than a microservice because they do not need to communicate through API's. This also has its cons because if one project in a monolith structure files the entire system is compromised.Eventually making it even more difficult to find what caused the error because the entire system in on the server.

What are Microservices?

A microservice application architecture where every feature is its own application. Instead of every feature being on a single application like a monolith, microservice treats each feature ass its own application than communicated to them through an API of some sort. This makes it easier to detected errors and does not cause the entire system to shutdown when one feature is compromised.

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