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VS Code Keyboard Shortcuts

Jack Fisher on June 17, 2019

If you’re anything like me then you might find yourself reaching for the mouse at every opportunity. But maybe you’ve been watching your favourite ...
emnudge profile image

Shift + TAB actually does the same thing as Ctrl + [
The actual useful shortcut is Ctrl + ], strangely enough

You see, if you're in the middle of a line and press TAB, you will break up the line, adding a TAB inside of it. Using Ctrl + ] will indent the entire line, no matter where your cursor is.

Ctrl + [ and Shift + TAB are functionally the same as far as I have seen, though.

fishj123 profile image
Jack Fisher

Awesome I didn't know that and I'll definitely be using it in future so thanks for the heads up

nickhuanca profile image
Nick Huanca

One more fun one is CTRL + SHIFT + P which provides a way to search all commands in VScode. Helpful for things like Discover Tests or in the go extension, Run Test At Cursor. It's nice for me since some of the commands/extension tooling can be challenging to find via the file-menu dropdowns.

petersimnz profile image
Peter Sim

A shortcut that I frequently use is Ctrl-Shift-D to duplicate a line of code. I'm not sure whether this is in VS Code by default, or whether it's something that has made its way into my setup via Atom's key map. Anyhow, good article, thanks.

sandeepbalachandran profile image
Sandeep Balachandran

It would be so much readable and wonderful if you'd use specifiers for shortcuts. You know TL:DR may occur. Just a suggestion . and ofcourse an informative article.

fishj123 profile image
Jack Fisher

Could you give me an example so I know what you mean? I'm not sure I understand. Maybe then I can edit the article!

loq24 profile image

I think he meant syntax highlighter for the readers to easily identify the shortcut codes.

dhatguy profile image
Joseph Odunsi

Thank you for this 👏

fishj123 profile image
Jack Fisher

You're welcome 😊

shayd16 profile image
Shayne Darren

After highlighting a world, use Ctrl + D to find the next occurrence, repeat to highlight all occurrences and then make the changes you want.