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Paul Preibisch
Paul Preibisch

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Creating a Laravel Website with out of the box authentication system

Hi everyone, recently, I have been trying out several different Web Administration panel kits for my favorite PHP Platform, Laravel. I am looking for an out of the box system that will provide my end users with:

  • A login page
  • A my profile area
  • Login with a Social Media account
  • Use two factor authentication.

In addition, I’d like the administration panel to have developer tools included in order to facilitate rapid application development.

Laravel Auth

If you are working on a custom solution for a client and will not be distributing your app as opensource, then Backpack for Laravel, and Infyom Laravel generator are a great combo.

Today however, I will be testing out a package I recently found called Laravel Aut which is opensource, and looks perfect for satisfying some of my main requirements.

Lets go ahead and set things up!

  1. Using my PHPStorm IDE, I will add a new mysql data source in the database tab.
  2. Next, I will create a new schema called laravel-auth, and set the collation to utf8mb4_general_ci (so my users can insert fancy emojis if they like).
  3. Now I will clone the project using git: git clone laravel-auth
  4. Once cloned, I next need to create the .env laravel configuration file to set up the database
    1. find change the following
  5. then run “composer upate”. This will run all third party dependencies and libraries.
  6. Now, we need to publish laravelroles and 2 step authentication. This step will copy important migration files from the vendors folder into to the app, as well as database seeders, and assets.
  7. Generate a unique app key – From the projects root folder run php artisan key:generate
  8. Run database migrations – from the projects root folder run php artisan migrate. This will set up all the database tables for the project.
  9. From the projects root folder run composer dump-autoload
  10. From the projects root folder run php artisan db:seed
  11. Compile the front end assets with npm steps or yarn steps.

Set up a Virtual Host

With laravel-auth now installed, lets set up an Apache Virtual Host so we can view the website on our local machine. For this, I use a nifty bash script called Virtualhost which I got from RoverWire/virtualhost

 sudo virtualhost create laravel-auth.localhost
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This created a file for me in /etc/apache2/sites-available, enabled the virtual host, created an entry in /etc/hosts file, and then restarted apache. A few small tweaks were needed however at this point. Firstly, Laravel’s public folder is in /public/ so I had to edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/laravel-auth.localhost.conf to fix the document root. I also noticed that the script created a folder for me in /var/www/laravel-authlocalhsot, so I deleted this and re-updated the laravel-auth.localhost.conf to point to the proper folder of where I cloned the repo (/var/www/laravel-auth/

I then refreshed the website – and oops – got a laravel error which complained that its log files were not writable. so I had to do a few more sys admin tasks:

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data

sudo find /var/www/laravel-auth -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

sudo find /var/www/laravel-auth -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

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Since this is my local development machine however, and not a production environment, I am going to chown my project foler to my user instead of www-data

sudo chown -R $USER:www-data .

sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
sudo find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;
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I am also going to need to give the webserver write permissions to storage, cache

sudo chgrp -R www-data storage bootstrap/cache
sudo chmod -R ug+rwx storage bootstrap/cache
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Now we are ready – Lets navigate to http://laravel-auth.localhost/

But wait! We are NOT done. Further configuration is needed:


Since we are deploying locally, edit the .env file, and set

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then do

composer dump-autoload
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Wow! It’s beautiful! With this scaffolding in place, I am now ready to add some API endpoints for my LSL Second Life Metaverse Scripts!

The post Creating a Laravel Website with out of the box authentication system appeared first on Paul Preibisch.

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