DEV Community

Discussion on: Running AV at the Women of React Conference

filmbarend profile image

Hey Kevin!

Great read! I'm working on similar projects these days, as all real-life conferences (where I would be recording or streaming video) have been cancelled. So many things you write about sound very familiar, like the usage of Skype.

I wonder: how did you separate between the MC being live on the stream, while preparing the next guests? If you were talking to them and testing their cams and mics, wasn't that distracting for the MC? Or were these separate Skype conversations? I found Skype useful, but not user friendly for that reason. During a live stream I did a couple of weeks ago I couldn't get a real green-room functionality if we had back-to-back live content scheduled.



_phzn profile image
Kevin Lewis

You're right - it was slightly distracting for Cassidy but we kept chatter to a minimum to help her. We didn't have a solution that scheduled them out. We used our Discord speakers-green-room channel for most troubleshooting.