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Discussion on: Advent of Code 2019 Solution Megathread - Day 9: Sensor Boost

fiddlerpianist profile image

My big deal was making the Intcode computer fully backwards compatible with Day 5 and 7 as well as making it run for Day 9. (I haven't tried it with Day 2, though for some reason there's a part of my brain that thinks that is perhaps irreconcilable with that day).

I felt like the directions to this one were incredibly unclear. Should the program be able to write in the original instruction space or not? "Memory beyond the initial program starts with the value 0 and can be read or written like any other memory. (It is invalid to try to access memory at a negative address, though.)" What does "beyond" mean here? How do you differentiate between "beyond" memory and "any other memory," particularly if you can't "access memory at a negative space"? It was also unclear that the "beyond" memory was actually initialized with zeros. (I originally assumed that the program wouldn't attempt to access uninitialized space, but that ended up being proved wrong almost immediately.)

Still, this implementation served me pretty well:

from enum import Enum

class Operation(Enum):
    ADDITION = 1
    INPUT = 3
    OUTPUT = 4
    JUMP_IF_TRUE = 5
    LESS_THAN = 7
    EQUALS = 8

class Mode(Enum):
    POSITION = 0
    RELATIVE = 2

class Instruction:
    def __init__(self, opcode):
        # instruction: 1 is add, 2 is multiply, 3 is input, 4 is output, 99 is end
        self.operation = Operation(_get_nth_digit(1, opcode) * 10 + _get_nth_digit(0, opcode))
        # mode: 0 is indirect, 1 is immediate
        self.modes = list(map(Mode, [_get_nth_digit(2, opcode), _get_nth_digit(3, opcode), _get_nth_digit(4, opcode)]))       
    def __str__(self):
        return "{}, {}".format(repr(self.operation), self.modes)

class ProgramState:
    def __init__(self, ops, output = None, address = 0, memory = {}, rel_base = 0, done = False):
        self.ops = ops # the instruction set
        self.output = output # any previous output
        self.address = address # index of next instruction to execute
        self.memory = memory # the memory heap
        self.rel_base = rel_base # the relative base from which to calculate relative addresses
        self.done = done # flag to indicate whether this program has hit opcode 99
    def __repr__(self):
        return "Last Output: {}, Rel Base: {}. Op Address: {}".format(self.output, self.rel_base, self.address)

def run(state, inp):
    return _run(state.ops, inp, state.address, state.output, state.memory, state.rel_base)

def _run(ops, input, starting_addr, last_output, memory, rel_base):
    # start at the front of the inputs
    input_idx = 0
    # no output yet
    output = last_output
    # assign to i for brevity
    i = starting_addr
    while ops[i] != 99:
        instruction = Instruction(ops[i])
        if instruction.operation is Operation.ADDITION:
            first = _get_resolved_arg(instruction, ops, memory, rel_base, i, 1)
            second = _get_resolved_arg(instruction, ops, memory, rel_base, i, 2)
            destination = _get_resolved_position(instruction, ops, rel_base, i, 3)
            _write(first + second, destination, ops, memory)
            i += 4
        elif instruction.operation is Operation.MULTIPLICATION:
            first = _get_resolved_arg(instruction, ops, memory, rel_base, i, 1)
            second = _get_resolved_arg(instruction, ops, memory, rel_base, i, 2)
            destination = _get_resolved_position(instruction, ops, rel_base, i, 3)
            _write(first * second, destination, ops, memory)
            i += 4
        elif instruction.operation is Operation.INPUT:
            destination = _get_resolved_position(instruction, ops, rel_base, i, 1)
            _write(int(input[input_idx]), destination, ops, memory)
            input_idx += 1
            i += 2
        elif instruction.operation is Operation.OUTPUT:
            output = _get_resolved_arg(instruction, ops, memory, rel_base, i, 1)
            i += 2
            return ProgramState(ops, output, i, memory, rel_base, False)
        elif instruction.operation is Operation.JUMP_IF_TRUE:
            first = _get_resolved_arg(instruction, ops, memory, rel_base, i, 1)
            second = _get_resolved_arg(instruction, ops, memory, rel_base, i, 2)
            if first != 0:
                i = second
                i += 3
        elif instruction.operation is Operation.JUMP_IF_FALSE:
            first = _get_resolved_arg(instruction, ops, memory, rel_base, i, 1)
            second = _get_resolved_arg(instruction, ops, memory, rel_base, i, 2)
            if first == 0:
                i = second
                i += 3
        elif instruction.operation is Operation.LESS_THAN:
            first = _get_resolved_arg(instruction, ops, memory, rel_base, i, 1)
            second = _get_resolved_arg(instruction, ops, memory, rel_base, i, 2)
            destination = _get_resolved_position(instruction, ops, rel_base, i, 3)
            _write(1 if first < second else 0, destination, ops, memory)
            i += 4
        elif instruction.operation is Operation.EQUALS:
            first = _get_resolved_arg(instruction, ops, memory, rel_base, i, 1)
            second = _get_resolved_arg(instruction, ops, memory, rel_base, i, 2)
            destination = _get_resolved_position(instruction, ops, rel_base, i, 3)
            _write(1 if first == second else 0, destination, ops, memory)
            i += 4
        elif instruction.operation is Operation.RELATIVE_BASE:
            rel_offset = _get_resolved_arg(instruction, ops, memory, rel_base, i, 1)
            rel_base += rel_offset
            i += 2
    return ProgramState(ops, output, i, {}, rel_base, True)

# Returns the number at the given position (0 being the rightmost)
def _get_nth_digit(n, number):
    return number // 10**n % 10

def _get_resolved_arg(instruction, ops, memory, rel_base, address, arg):
    # ops[i+1] if instruction.modes[0] is Mode.IMMEDIATE else ops[ops[i+1]]
    mode = instruction.modes[arg-1]
    if mode is Mode.IMMEDIATE:
        return ops[address+arg]

    final_addr = ops[address+arg] # Here, mode is POSITION or RELATIVE
    # if RELATIVE add the relative base
    if mode is Mode.RELATIVE:
        final_addr += rel_base
    return ops[final_addr] if final_addr < len(ops) else memory.get(final_addr,0)

def _get_resolved_position(instruction, ops, rel_base, address, arg):
    # ops[i+1] if instruction.modes[0] is Mode.IMMEDIATE else ops[ops[i+1]]
    mode = instruction.modes[arg-1]
    if mode is Mode.POSITION:
        return ops[address+arg]
    elif mode is Mode.RELATIVE:
        return ops[address+arg]+rel_base
        print ("Bonkers! Unhandled case")

def _write(value, destination, ops, memory):
    if destination < len(ops):        
        ops[destination] = value
        memory[destination] = value

And the driver program for Day 9:

from intcode import ProgramState
from intcode import run

with open('day09.txt') as f:
    # split line into operation list
    opsAsStrings =",")
    # turn them all into integers
    ops = list(map(int, opsAsStrings))

def boost(ops, inp):
    outputs = []
    state = run(ProgramState(ops), [inp])
    while not state.done:
        print (state.output)
        state = run(state, [])
    print (state.memory)
    return outputs

# Part One
print ("Part One: %s" % boost(ops, 1))
print ("Part Two: %s" % boost(ops, 2))