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Jonathan Fetterolf
Jonathan Fetterolf

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Coding: Growth, Learning, & Transformation

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When I started my new position, I figured it would be technical, but I couldn’t have guessed that it would leave me completing coding challenges in my free time. This new role required me to dive into an array of unfamiliar languages, tools, and technologies. As I navigated this terrain, I recognized the importance of reinforcing my foundational coding skills. The constant problem-solving demands of my day-to-day coding motivated me to seek out resources that could aid my growth. I wanted to efficiently master these tools and demonstrate my ability to learn, adapt, and implement. This quest for knowledge led me to explore a trio of online resources recommended by a mentor outside the company. Each of these platforms continue to play a pivotal role in my coding journey.


LeetCode became my initial port of call. Its array of coding challenges and problems provided me with the perfect arena to hone my skills. As I delved into its challenges, I found myself facing complex problems that demanded strategic thinking. Over time, I noticed a significant shift in how I approached these tasks. I transitioned from stumbling through problems to adopting a more systematic and organized approach. This transition was thanks in part to an enlightening article on algorithms and problem-solving techniques, which revolutionized my perspective.

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results for is palindrome


HackerRank, the second platform in my arsenal, complemented my LeetCode experience. What stood out to me were its diverse problem sets and the ability to solve challenges using multiple programming languages. This flexibility not only broadened my repertoire but also exposed me to different problem-solving methodologies. Each challenge I tackled felt like a mini-victory, reaffirming my progress.


Codewars rounded out my trio of learning resources. Its unique approach of gamifying coding challenges injected an element of fun into my learning journey. The challenges on Codewars ranged in difficulty, allowing me to progressively build my skills. I found that working my way from easier problems to more complex ones was a productive strategy. Through this approach, I honed my problem-solving skills, breaking down intricate problems into manageable steps.

Personal Progress and Achievements

Before embracing these platforms, I often found myself overwhelmed by problems and attempted to tackle them all at once. However, as I continued to engage with LeetCode, HackerRank, and Codewars, my coding approach transformed. Concepts that initially seemed overwhelming became clearer as I gained insights from each problem completed.

Although I can't pinpoint a single problem that brought about a significant leap in my skills, an article on algorithms and problem-solving techniques acted as a turning point. This newfound understanding reshaped how I approached complex coding problems. As I encountered increasingly complex challenges, I found that my anxiety decreased, and my confidence soared. My thought process became more organized, enabling me to code more efficiently while taking smaller, deliberate steps in the problem-solving process.

Lessons Learned

These platforms weren't without their challenges. Some problems initially appeared insurmountable. However, I learned that starting with simpler problems and gradually working my way up was an effective strategy. Developing a robust problem-solving methodology provided me with a roadmap to tackle even the most intricate challenges.

Consistency emerged as a key learning approach that worked best for me. Solving a single problem each day, typically after a full day's work, proved to be an effective way to integrate learning into my routine without overwhelming myself.

Acknowledging that no one knows everything and that seeking assistance is perfectly acceptable was a transformative realization. Keeping helpful references saved and revisiting them when needed proved instrumental in overcoming these hurdles.


In retrospect, the benefits of engaging with these coding websites have been threefold: enhanced problem-solving techniques, quicker access to appropriate resources, and reduced anxiety when approaching coding challenges. The combined effect of these advantages has fortified my coding skills and enabled me to face new problems with confidence.

For those embarking on a coding improvement journey through online resources, my advice is simple: don't feel pressured to know everything from the outset. Dive into tutorials, address knowledge gaps along the way, and embrace the process of continuous learning.

Looking ahead, my plan involves continual integration of these platforms into my daily routine, leveraging them as tools to refine my skills after a productive day's work.

As I progress, I have my sights set on deepening my expertise in JavaScript, Java, and potentially exploring C#. The journey continues, and I'm excited to embrace new languages and areas of coding.

To stay updated with my future coding-related blog posts, feel free to follow my journey on LinkedIn.

Let me know which language or tool you think I should delve into next!

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