Install JMeter
Install Java JRE
2. Create a New JMeter Test Plan:
Open JMeter.
In the "Test Plan" tree, right-click and select "Add" -> "Threads (Users)" to create a thread group.
In the thread group properties, set the following:
Number of Threads (Users): The number of concurrent virtual users to simulate. Start with 1 and adjust later for load testing.
Ramp-Up Period (seconds): The time it takes for all threads to reach the full number (usually 1 second).
Loop Count: The number of times each thread will execute the test (usually 1 for a login test).
3. Add an HTTP Request Sampler:
Right-click on the thread group and select "Add" -> "Sampler" -> "HTTP Request."
In the HTTP Request sampler properties, configure the following:
Protocol: HTTP (assuming port 80) or HTTPS if using SSL.
Server Name or IP: localhost (or the actual IP address of your server if not local).
Port Number: 8000
Method: POST
Path: /login (the endpoint for login)
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