DEV Community

Discussion on: 10 Git Tricks to Save Your Time and Sanity

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

A few weeks ago, I used #9 to figure out "how long has this feature been in our code before someone made a complaint about it."

Specifically, we do build-automation. Someone requested we include tool in the resultant builds. I'd looked at the system the person was complaining didn't have the component, only to find that it was present ...just that the associated run-time service wasn't activated. Ultimately, found that the tool had been in the build for nearly four years in this "installed but not automatically started" state. Was able to tell the requestor, "good news: the tool has been in place four nearly four years; I just had to update the automation to ensure that it actually starts on boot. The only remediation you need for old systems is to enable the service rather than having to figure out how to deploy and install it."

...All this because the maker of the tool had a botch in their installer that caused the enablement to not actually happen. :p

jacobherrington profile image
Jacob Herrington (he/him)

Stories like this are the reason I think it makes sense to learn git at a deeper level than branch, add, commit, repeat.

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

True, but that could be said for many (most?) tools. That said, a lot of people never have reason to use those advanced features (and, on the rare occasion that they do, if their Google-Fu is half-decent, they'll find what they need that way).