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Discussion on: It is ⌚time to ditch ReactJS or Angular and use better web standards like web components😍 part 1

ferhatavdic profile image
FerhatAvdic • Edited

Reasons to use Angular:

  • separation of concerns
  • built in directives and template syntax
  • forms, router - easy and intuitive
  • standard code and design patterns
  • testable code
  • typescript (double edged sword)
  • its an actual framework as opposed to react and vue and it gives you solutions to common stuff out of the box - no need to sweat over 3rd party libs
  • continuously maintained

All of the above makes it easy to work on legacy code or to collaborate with colleagues.
Its not the components that make me want to use it.

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

I'm not disputing that at all.

But we as a community of web developers are working on frameworks/libs that have been already solved several times.

My point was maybe we should rethink that and try to come to a common design pattern for components?

In the end what I have seen that Standards will survive libs/frameworks will not.

cesee profile image
Cesar Maroun
  1. I never understand the comparison between the two. React feels like a toy to me when compared to AngularJs or Angular.

  2. Everyone is talking about components like it's a new thing. Web Forms had this idea 15 years? ago. Actually I liked Angular because it reminds me a lot of Web Forms and I could use the same flow. Razor pages? Can't see how it's not Web Forms in a disguise

  3. AngularJs and Angular are not so far apart like everyone likes to say. Actually I converted a big application and it was mainly syntax rewrite.

  4. I'm dying to get rid of javascript :) It's amazing that we are still required to bundle files in 2019 instead of having an engine that can run anything inside the browser...

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Maybe they are we will see :)

d4vecarter profile image
Dave Carter™

There is an actual engine inside de browser parsing and compiling code! Its called V8, SpiderMonkey and many others. The thing here is about your personal preferences; looks like you don't like JavaScript very much when it is the only programming language the browser directly understands.

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cesee profile image
Cesar Maroun • Edited

I said that I don't like Javascript :) It's outrageous that we have to settle for it even with TypeScript which improved the situation drastically. It's still an inferior language (and this is not a personal preference). Anyway, I complained about bundling. It may look natural that you have to do it, but this is merely a compromise. There should have been a better more elegant solution by now, And I work very hard every time to hide this burden from my developers, bundling is not something I want them to waist their time on.

capaj profile image
Jiri Spac • Edited
  • separation of concerns - wrong. HTML and JS/TS are not your concerns. Your app features are.

  • built in directives and template syntax - oh you mean the ones that don't really work well with typescript?

  • forms, router - nope, forms are hard everywhere. at least with react libs like Formik makes at somewhat bearable

  • standard code and design patterns - oh you mean those patterns that make the code look like a bad corporate JAVA where you need write 10 keywords, 5 decorators just to define a property? No thanks.

  • testable code - who are you kidding? angular can't even render a component into a string. Do you expect me to only test in full DOM? Shame on you.

  • typescript - how dare you attribute this as to angular. You can use typescript with any other framework.

  • its an actual framework - bad framework. For example they recommend rxjs for state handling which is total overkill for 99 percent of web apps

  • continuously maintained - with already 7 breaking versions? Where they often change arbitrary syntax for little benefit? No thanks. I'd rather react

"All of the above makes it easy to work on legacy code or to collaborate with colleagues."- lol I just finished on a corporate contract where we used angular 6 and 7 and it was a total shit show. Total opposite of what you paint here.

oenonono profile image

There are many types of concerns. The separation of concerns along which HTML, CSS, and JS were designed are real. They reflect the persistent concerns of user interfaces across most projects: what is this information, how should it look, and how should it behave? And they served those concerns well when we were making simpler content oriented documents that weren't bursting at the seams with a single scope. What the platform has failed to give us is a way to separate by project specific concerns, business-centered concerns, suitable for increasingly complex applications. Frameworks concentrate on the latter and very few, perhaps none, have reached the same bar as the web platform for meeting the needs of diverse devices and empowering copywriters and designers to contribute. Web component features like Shadow DOM are critical in enabling business concern separation while also maintaining the web's unique value propositions for audiences wider than engineers.

ferhatavdic profile image
FerhatAvdic • Edited

Your ultimate argument is you hating the framework. You also might be confusing Angular with AngularJS as well. You got the right to your own opinion though. Cheers.