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Ferhat ACAR

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Performance Optimization in LINQ Queries: Tips and Best Practices

Performance Optimization in LINQ Queries: Tips and Best Practices

5 min read

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Exploring the Functional Programming Paradigm in JavaScript using Ramda.js

Exploring the Functional Programming Paradigm in JavaScript using Ramda.js

3 min read
Understanding LINQ: A Comprehensive Guide to Language-Integrated Query

Understanding LINQ: A Comprehensive Guide to Language-Integrated Query

5 min read
Implementing Real-time Data Fetching in React.js and GraphQL: Best Practices and Performance Optimization Techniques

Implementing Real-time Data Fetching in React.js and GraphQL: Best Practices and Performance Optimization Techniques

3 min read
Unlocking the Power of PL/SQL: Best Practices for Efficient Database Development

Unlocking the Power of PL/SQL: Best Practices for Efficient Database Development

3 min read
Exploring Advanced JavaScript Techniques for High-Performing Web Applications

Exploring Advanced JavaScript Techniques for High-Performing Web Applications

3 min read