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Felix Vo
Felix Vo

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Event Sourcing with Go and Redis

I thought you already heard about Event Sourcing in the past recent year.
But let's go through the definition again.

Capture all changes to an application state as a sequence of events.
Event Sourcing ensures that all changes to application state are stored as a sequence of events. - Martin Fowler

If you know bitcoin/blockchain you will know it's quite similar with Event Sourcing.

Your current balance (Application State) is calculated from a series of events in history (in the chain)
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so you don't have a table like this in database

user_id balance
10 100$
7 200$

now you have

user x top-up event
user buy 5 items event
user y top-up event

I've read many articles/blog posts about Event Sourcing so I try to make once.

What we will build?

Let's say you have an e-commerce website and users can buy items from your website.
NOTE: This code is not tested, just an experiment


  • User will have balance.
  • Item will have price and number of remain items in the warehouse.


  • Topup: increase user balance
  • AddItem: add more item to warehouse
  • Order: buy items

Directory Structure

├── cmd
│   ├── consumer       # process events
│   │   ├── handler    # handle new event base on event Type
│   │   └── state
│   └── producer       # publish events
└── pkg
    ├── event          # event definition
    ├── snapshot       # snapshot state of the app
    ├── user           # user domain
    └── warehouse      # item domain
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  • Event storage: Redis Stream

    Entry IDs
    The entry ID returned by the XADD command, and identifying univocally >each entry inside a given stream, is composed of two parts:
    I use this Entry ID to keep track of processed event

  • The consumer will consume events and build the application state

  • snapshot package will take the application state and save to redis every 30s. Application state will restore from this if our app crash

The Producer

Use XAdd cmd to add data to a stream

func Topup(client *redis.Client) {
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        userID := int64(rand.Intn(MaxUserIDRange))
        strCMD := client.XAdd(&redis.XAddArgs{
            Stream: "orders",
            Values: map[string]interface{}{
                "type": string(event.TopUpType),
                "data": &event.TopUp{
                    Base: &event.Base{
                        Type: event.TopUpType,
                    UserID: userID,
                    Amount: 500,
        newID, err := strCMD.Result()
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("topup error:%v\n", err)
        } else {
            fmt.Printf("topup success for user:%v offset:%v\n", userID, newID)

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The State

The state object is pretty simple, just a plain struct

type State struct {
    LatestEventID string
    Users         map[int64]*user.User
    Items         map[string]*warehouse.Item
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The Consumer

Then the Consumer gets the events => pass the event proper handler

func consumeEvents(events chan event.Event, handlerFactory func(t event.Type) handler.Handler) {
    for {
        select {
        case e := <-events:
            h := handlerFactory(e.GetType())
            err := h.Handle(e)
            if err != nil {
                fmt.Printf("handle event error eventType:%v err:%v\n", e.GetType(), err)

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Depend on event.Type, we have different handlers for each event type.
And the handler will handle the business logic then update the state


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func (h *topupHandler) Handle(e event.Event) error {
    topup, ok := e.(*event.TopUp)
    defer func() {
        h.state.LatestEventID = topup.GetID()
    if !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("incorrect event type")

    u, exist := h.state.Users[topup.UserID]
    if !exist { // should have an event to create user before use
        u = &user.User{
            UseID:   topup.UserID,
            Balance: 0,
        h.state.Users[topup.UserID] = u

    u.Balance += topup.Amount

    fmt.Printf("completed topup %+v \n", topup)
    return nil

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func (h *itemAddHandler) Handle(e event.Event) error {
    addItem, ok := e.(*event.AddItem)
    defer func() {
        h.state.LatestEventID = addItem.GetID()
    if !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("incorrect event type")

    i, exist := h.state.Items[addItem.ItemID]
    if !exist {
        i = &warehouse.Item{
            ID:     addItem.ItemID,
            Price:  uint(rand.Intn(100)),
            Remain: uint(rand.Intn(200)),
        h.state.Items[addItem.ItemID] = i
    i.Remain += addItem.Count

    fmt.Printf("completed add item %+v \n", addItem)
    return nil

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the snapshot will take the state and save to redis

func exeSnapshot(st *state.State, snapshotSrv snapshot.Snapshot) {
    ticker := time.Tick(time.Second * 30)
    for {
        select {
        case <-ticker:
            err := snapshotSrv.Snapshot(st)
            if err != nil {
                fmt.Println("snapshot failed:", err)
            fmt.Println("snapshot success:", st.LatestEventID, " at ", time.Now())


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Require redis running locally


First, start the producer to insert some events to redis stream
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Now start the consumer to consume events

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Because the consumer consumes the events but not backup the state yet.
If you wait for more than 30s, you will see this message from console

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Now if you stop the app and start it again, the application state will restore from the latest snapshot, not reprocess the event again

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Thank you for reading!
I hope the source code is clean enough for you to understand 😱

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