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Felix Häberle
Felix Häberle

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Supercharging Localization in VS Code with inlang

Localization (also Internationalization, i18n) is a critical aspect of software development, ensuring that applications are accessible and user-friendly for a global audience. The inlang extension for Visual Studio Code revolutionizes this process by integrating translation management directly into the IDE, streamlining the workflow for developers.

Streamlined the translation/i18n workflow


The inlang extension simplifies the localization process. Traditional methods often involve constant switching between code and separate translation files, leading to inefficiency and increased potential for errors.

Inlang integrates i18n into the Visual Studio Code environment, allowing developers to manage translations directly within their code.

Key Features:

  • 💬 Inline Annotations: Translations are visible directly in the code, eliminating the need to toggle between files.
  • ✂️ Extract Messages: Easily extract new strings with a single click, making the process more intuitive.
  • 🚦 Message Linting: Automatically notifies developers of missing translations and other issues, ensuring quality and consistency.
  • 📦 Monorepo Support: Conveniently manage multiple projects within a single repository.
  • ♻️ Automatic Updates: Changes in source text automatically update corresponding translations.
  • Ease of Use and Setup

features of the inlang extension

Setting up the inlang extension is straightforward, involving a few simple steps:

1️⃣ Install the extension directly from the Visual Studio Marketplace.
2️⃣ Configuration: Create a project.inlang/settings.json file in your project root to configure language settings and modules.
3️⃣ Syntax Matching: Choose a syntax matcher compatible with your project's framework.

The extension requires Visual Studio Code version 1.84.2 or higher and Node.js version v18 or higher.

Enhancing Developer Experience

The inlang extension not only enhances efficiency but also improves the overall DX:

  • Reduced Context Switching: By integrating translations within the IDE, developers can focus more on coding rather than juggling between files.
  • Quality Control: Linting features ensure that translations are consistent and error-free.
  • Faster Turnaround: The direct editing and extraction of translations within the IDE mean faster implementation and updates.

App ecosystem image

App ecosystem

The inlang VS Code extension is part of the inlang ecosystem, a variety of internationalization (i18n) apps working seamlessly together. See:

Paraglide JS - JS library

A fully configurable JavaScript i18n library that integrates within your framework.

Fink – Localization Editor

Your translation workflow with no-code setup and repository-based operation — the ideal i18n solution for translators.

inlang CLI - Translation Automation

Command line interface for inlang projects. Many commands and the possibility to do translation automation.


The inlang extension for Visual Studio Code is a game-changer for software localization. It provides an integrated, efficient, and error-reducing environment, making the process of localizing software smoother and more developer-friendly.

➡️ Install the extension
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the inlang tab for i18n

By adopting this extension, development teams can significantly improve their workflow, ensuring that their applications are truly global-ready.

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Florian Kiem

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