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Felix Häberle
Felix Häberle

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Build an outstanding developer portfolio – [2022 Edition]

Are you a developer looking to build an outstanding portfolio that stands out in the highly competitive job market? You’ve come to the right place. The year is 2022 and the digital world has changed drastically since the pandemic, opening up new possibilities for developers to showcase their skills and accomplishments.

I'm the maker of Stage – an API-based portfolio builder: bring you data from pages like / GitHub / LinkedIn and we generate you an always in-sync portfolio with ootb nice design – you can even extend it with custom extensions and your own API. Sign up for free!!

In this blog post, we’ll discuss five key tips for building an impressive developer portfolio for the 2022 edition.

🎤 Showcase 2-4 of Your Best Project

projects in portfolio

As a developer, you want to make sure that your portfolio focuses on the projects that best demonstrate your skill set and experience. Choose two to four projects that are the best examples of your work and showcase them prominently on your portfolio page. Make sure you include a detailed overview of the project, screenshots, and links to the actual project if possible.

5 steps: How to present your projects

  1. Write an engaging description of each project. Include any key achievements, challenges you faced, and the outcome.

  2. Share images, screenshots, or videos of the project. If you have the original files, consider including them as well.

  3. Showcase any awards or recognition you’ve received for the project.

  4. Include client testimonials or any feedback they provided.

  5. Link to the project’s live URL, if applicable.

🙋 Sprinkle in Some Personality

music in portfolio

Your portfolio should reflect your unique personality and style. Don’t be afraid to let your creativity shine and make sure that your portfolio looks and feels like you. You can add in some personal branding elements like a profile picture, a brief bio, or even a fun background image – or even the music you like.

👔 Add the Formal Part

education list

Your portfolio should also include the more formal elements of a resume such as your education, work experience, and skills. Make sure to highlight the most relevant information and focus on the experience and skills that are most important to your career.

A resume on your personal website also allows employers, recruiters, and potential clients to quickly and easily view your qualifications, contact information, and accomplishments.

Having a resume on your personal website may also help you stand out among other applicants and may even open up new opportunities or job leads.

🪄 Create the Main Action

hire me call to action button

Your portfolio should also have a clear call-to-action. This could be something as simple as a contact form or a button that links to a demo of your work. Whatever it is, make sure it’s easy to find and understand.

A good call to action on a website should be concise and direct. It should clearly state the desired action and provide a clear path to take that action.

It should also be visually appealing and stand out from the rest of the page. Good calls to action should also be tailored to the user's context and be relevant to what they are looking for.

✨ Have Good Design

Finally, make sure your portfolio has a modern, professional design. Everything from the typography to the colors should be carefully chosen to ensure that your portfolio looks great and is easy to navigate.

Designing a personal website can be challenging, especially for those who are not experienced web designers. It requires a lot of planning, understanding of web design principles, and a good understanding of the technologies needed to create an effective website.

Additionally, personal websites need to be designed to fit the individual’s needs and tastes, which can be very difficult to achieve. Furthermore, many personal websites need to be updated regularly in order to remain relevant, which can be a lot of work for those who are not experienced web designers.

Don't overengineer here, a clean modern look with not much noise is perfectly fine, it even lets the visiting user read the website faster.

By following these five tips, you’ll be able to create an outstanding developer portfolio for the 2022 edition. Showcase your best projects, sprinkle in some personality, add the formal part, create the main action, and have ootb good design. Good luck!

PS: I'm the maker of Stage – an API-based portfolio builder: bring you data from pages like / GitHub / LinkedIn and we generate you an always in-sync portfolio with ootb nice design – you can even extend it with custom extensions and your own API. Sign up for free!!

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