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Discussion on: 📊 Statistics on portfolio, boom or bust?

fcrozetta profile image
Fernando Crozetta

I think it really depends on What you want. Personally, I keep almost every repository I've made, and I really don't mind github saying that I worked more with one technology than other ones.
But, maybe someone else can indeed understand this in a different way.
I'm developing my personal page with the information I want to display to prospects/clients/etc.. And I keep my github as my kitchen Sink. Everything I do goes there. This also allows me (and other developers) to see what I'm working on in my free time. And from time to time I co back revisiting my codes, and blogging about it

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

I ended up doing some phycology to make this work, all the stats are presented in a line graph of concentric circular bars one inside the other.

The most used language sits on the outside and the rings, the least used language the inner most ring. The result is that nothing looks disproportionate. I ommited the percentages and instead placed a legend and numbered key to the right, the legend reads Top 10 languages. This way I psudo quantify my usages not in percentages, but comparison of scale.

Thank you for your input Fernando, I will take a screenshot when I get a chance.