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Fazeem Mohammed
Fazeem Mohammed

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Enhanced Dynamo DB and Integration Test Using Dynamo Local

AWS Released new Enhanced Dynamo Client Enhanced Dynamo Client which helps Java developers to easily Implement DAO Implementation without writing the mapping logic and AWS provides Downloadable DynamoDb which helps developers to do the Integration testing with Dynamo DB without connecting to the Cloud.

This post explains how to Implement a generic DynamoDBService Class using Enhanced Dynamo Client and Write Unit/Integration Test Cases using Downloadable DynamoDb

The full source code can be found under following repo

I have used following links and github repos to build this example


  1. Java > 11

  2. Gradle > 5

Setting Enhanced Client in Gradle

To set up enhanced Client in Gradle following dependencies needs to be added

  implementation 'com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-dynamodb:1.11.434'
  implementation ''
   implementation ''
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Setting up DynamoDb Local

Aws documentation provides steps to setting up maven build but Gradle setting up is not provided by AWS and this library is not available central maven repo, so users needs to set up aws maven repo for setting DynamoDb Local

repositories {
    maven {
         url ""
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following dependency will add DynamoDbLocal to the gradle project

testImplementation group: 'com.amazonaws', name: 'DynamoDBLocal', version: '1.11.119'
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you can find more info about the set up in . As a part of test setup copy AwsDynamoDbLocalTestUtils and call AwsDynamoDbLocalTestUtils#initSqLite() during setup function of JUnit Test class

DynamoDb Domain POJO

This class is POJO representation of Dynamo DB schema, I have used lombok to avoid boiler plating of Getter and Setter methods, @DynamoDbBean represents dynamo db structure and @DynamoDbPartitionKey represents primary key id

public class Student {
    private String studentId;
    private String studentName;
    private String department;
    public String getStudentId() {
        return studentId;
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DynamoDb Service Implementation

This class has full DAO implementation

  1. CreateTable

  2. Insert/Update Item based on partitions key

  3. Get Item by Id

Setting Up JUnit Test class

During the startup JUnit will spin up a local dynamo DB instance and following code shows how to establish DynamoClient connectivity to local instance

private static final String TABLE\_NAME = "Student";
private static  DynamoDBProxyServer server;
private static final String port = "8000";
private static final String uri = "http://localhost:"+port;

    public void setUpTest() throws Exception {


        server = ServerRunner.createServerFromCommandLineArgs(
                new String\[\]{"-inMemory", "-port", port});
                .region(Region.AF\_SOUTH\_1)                .credentialsProvider(StaticCredentialsProvider.create(
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