DEV Community


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Community!,The What? The Why? And The When?

The power of community can never be overemphasised, because the benefits it brings to everyone irrespective of your profession is very much.

we are going to be talking about the what, the why and the when of a community.


A community is a social construct that encompasses a group of individuals who share common interests, values, goals, or geographical proximity, and interact with one another on a regular basis. It is a network of relationships formed by people who come together to support, collaborate, and engage in various activities.

At its core, a community represents a sense of belonging and interconnectedness among its members. It provides a platform for individuals to connect, communicate, and establish meaningful relationships, whether in person or through virtual interactions. Communities can range in size and scope, from small local neighborhoods to large-scale online networks spanning across the globe.

Key Characteristics of a Community:

  • Shared Identity: Communities are united by a shared identity or common purpose. This could be based on factors such as shared interests, cultural background, profession, or geographic location.

  • Interactions and Relationships: Communities thrive on social interactions and the relationships that develop within them. Members engage with one another through communication, cooperation, and mutual support, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

  • Collective Goals: Communities often have collective goals or objectives that they strive to achieve. These goals can vary widely, ranging from social, environmental, or political causes to personal development, professional advancement, or recreational pursuits.

  • Norms and Values: Communities establish a set of norms, values, and shared beliefs that guide their interactions and behavior. These norms can shape the community's culture, ethical standards, and expectations of its members.

  • Sense of Place: In some cases, communities are tied to a specific geographic location or physical space, such as a neighborhood, town, or village. This shared physical environment contributes to a sense of place and local identity.

  • Support and Collaboration: Communities provide a support system for their members, offering assistance, resources, and a platform for collaboration. Members often come together to solve problems, address common issues, or pursue collective endeavors.

  • Communication Channels: Effective communication is vital to the functioning of a community. It enables members to share information, exchange ideas, coordinate activities, and strengthen social bonds.

  • Diversity and Inclusion: Communities can encompass diverse individuals with varied backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. Embracing diversity and promoting inclusivity fosters a richer and more vibrant community environment.

  • Evolution and Change: Communities are not static entities but evolve and adapt over time. They respond to external influences, societal changes, and individual needs, allowing for growth, innovation, and renewal.


There are numerous reasons why individuals choose to join communities. Joining a community offers a range of benefits and opportunities that can enhance various aspects of one's life.

Here are some comprehensive reasons why people choose to join communities:

  • Sense of Belonging: Joining a community provides a sense of belonging and connection with others who share similar interests, values, or experiences. It creates a social support system that can combat feelings of isolation or loneliness.

  • Networking and Socializing: Communities offer opportunities to expand one's network and meet new people. Building relationships within a community can lead to new friendships, professional connections, and collaborations.

  • Personal Growth and Development: Communities often provide platforms for personal growth and development. They may offer resources, workshops, or mentorship programs that enable individuals to acquire new skills, knowledge, and perspectives.

  • Sharing and Learning: Communities provide a space for sharing ideas, knowledge, and experiences. They offer opportunities to learn from others, gain insights, and contribute to the collective wisdom of the group.

  • Support and Encouragement: Communities can be a source of support during challenging times. They offer a network of individuals who can provide advice, guidance, and emotional support. Sharing experiences and receiving encouragement from like-minded individuals can boost motivation and resilience.

  • Collaboration and Collective Action: Communities often come together to work towards shared goals or causes. Joining a community allows individuals to participate in collective action, make a positive impact, and contribute to social change.

  • Access to Resources and Opportunities: Communities can provide access to resources, information, and opportunities that may not be readily available otherwise. This can include job leads, educational resources, funding, or specialized knowledge.

  • Personal Identity and Expression: Communities offer a platform for individuals to express their identity and engage with others who share similar values or cultural backgrounds. They provide a space where individuals can be authentic and feel accepted.

  • Fun and Recreation: Communities often organize social events, recreational activities, or hobbies that can bring joy and entertainment. Joining a community allows individuals to engage in shared interests and find outlets for relaxation and enjoyment.

  • Civic Engagement and Empowerment: Communities can empower individuals by giving them a voice and a platform to advocate for their rights or address issues of importance. By joining a community, individuals can actively participate in shaping their environment and influencing change.


Deciding when to join a community depends on various factors and individual circumstances.

Here are some comprehensive considerations that can help determine the right time to join a community:

  • Personal Readiness: Consider your own readiness and willingness to engage in a community. Are you open to meeting new people, participating in group activities, and contributing to the community? Assess your availability, energy levels, and commitment to actively engage with others.

  • Interest and Alignment: Join a community when you have a genuine interest in the community's purpose, values, or activities. Look for communities that align with your passions, hobbies, professional goals, or personal values. When there is a strong alignment, it becomes easier to connect with like-minded individuals and actively contribute.

  • Need for Support or Connection: If you feel a need for social support, a sense of belonging, or connection with others who share similar experiences, joining a community can be beneficial. This is especially true during challenging times or life transitions when support and understanding from others can make a significant difference.

  • Timing of Life Events: Consider the timing of major life events or changes. Joining a community can provide a supportive network during significant life transitions such as moving to a new city, starting a new job, or entering a new phase of life. It can help you establish connections and navigate the challenges associated with these transitions.

  • Need for Support or Connection: If you feel a need for social support, a sense of belonging, or connection with others who share similar experiences, joining a community can be beneficial. This is especially true during challenging times or life transitions when support and understanding from others can make a significant difference.

  • Timing of Life Events: Consider the timing of major life events or changes. Joining a community can provide a supportive network during significant life transitions such as moving to a new city, starting a new job, or entering a new phase of life. It can help you establish connections and navigate the challenges associated with these transitions.

  • Availability of Resources and Opportunities: Assess whether the community offers valuable resources, opportunities, or experiences that align with your personal or professional growth goals. If the community provides access to resources, expertise, or opportunities that can enhance your development, it might be a good time to join.

  • Readiness for Collaboration and Collective Action: If you are motivated to collaborate with others, contribute to shared goals, or engage in collective action, joining a community can provide a platform for such endeavors. Evaluate your willingness and capacity to participate actively in the community's activities.

  • Geographic Proximity: If the community is based on geographic proximity, such as a local neighborhood or town, consider joining when you are living or planning to move to that area. Proximity allows for more frequent and convenient interactions with community members.

  • Evaluation of Personal Priorities: Assess your current priorities and commitments. Determine whether joining a community aligns with your existing responsibilities, time constraints, and other obligations. It is important to find a balance between your involvement in the community and other aspects of your life.

  • Openness to New Experiences: Join a community when you are open to new experiences, perspectives, and learning opportunities. Communities often provide avenues for personal growth, and being receptive to these experiences can enrich your life and broaden your horizons.

  • Intuition and Readiness for Change: Finally, listen to your intuition and assess your overall readiness for community involvement. Reflect on your desire for connection, growth, and making a positive impact. Trust your instincts and join a community when it feels right for you.


Communities exist in various forms, such as local communities, online communities, professional associations, cultural or religious groups, academic institutions, and many others. They play a crucial role in fostering social connections, providing support systems, promoting collective action, and shaping individual and collective identities.

Ultimately, joining a community is a personal choice based on individual needs, interests, and goals. It offers opportunities for personal, social, and professional enrichment, while also contributing to the collective well-being and progress of the community as a whole.

Remember that joining a community is a personal decision, and the timing will vary for each individual. It is important to find the right balance and consider your own needs, interests, and capacity to actively participate and contribute to the community.

Top comments (2)

kenekanem profile image
Kennedy Ekanem

Great stuff man! Keep it going!

kelvinsekx profile image

This is a great article. It's short and yet concise covering indeed the what, why and when regarding community.