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Discussion on: Reflexive McLuhanism

fatmonky profile image

Thanks for the thoughtful post: this is perhaps the first time I have encountered reflexivity (from Soros) and McLuhan in the same essay, which is a super interesting juxtaposition of two very different worlds. :)

Two responses:

  1. "Try everything around us shaping everything we do." -> That is linked to the Buddhist concept of non-self: if there was a self, that self would be fully in control of its own thoughts, body, etc. Instead of a self, the self is actually a process, heavily influenced by the surrounding conditioning. That is why there is a strong emphasis on "good friends" repeatedly in the early Buddhist texts: your friends make you, and vice versa.

  2. Your point that design is king feels necessary but insufficient to me, especially if one is heavily influenced by the environment: this implies that the context around your medium is also important, which means that the design doesn't just stop at your screen or software but extends to considering the possible contexts of use.
    So, perhaps it isn't just that design is king, but what is being designed, how it is being designed, and for what context.

PS: I came across your post from the Part Time creator manifesto, and am really enjoying your blog! :) Thanks for sharing.

swyx profile image

thanks very much! appreciate both responses, not much to say except I agree.