For a complete access control for your application, you will probably need two things:
DOM control to show or hide parts of your view based on the user Roles/Permissions.
Protect your routes by preventing a visitor from accessing administrator pages.
Control routes loading based on roles and pernissions; this is what Angular CanMatch provides to load a route or not based on a condition.
angular-rbac provides all the above features through:
CanAccessDirective Directive for DOM control
*canAccess="{ roles: ['admin'], permissions: ['user-delete'] }; other: noPermissionTemplate">
<div>Protected users list here</div>
<ng-template #noPermissionTemplate>
<p>You do not have permission!</p>
Three prebuilt RBAC guards
angular-rbac guards take the allowed roles and permissions to access a specific route, the redirectUrl in case of failure and boolean for skipLocationChange
canActivateAccessGuard for routes activation CanActivate
canActivateChildAccessGuard for children activation CanActivateChild
canMatchAccessGuard for route loading based on condition CanMatch
path: "planet",
component: LayoutComponent,
loadChildren: () => import("./features/planet/planet.routes").then((routes) => routes.PLANET_ROUTES),
canActivateChild: [canActivateChildAccessGuard({ roles: ["admin"], permissions: ["read-planets", "create-planets"] }, "/auth/login", true)],
Check it out
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