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Discussion on: Clean Up Async Requests in `useEffect` Hooks

farjallahmed profile image

Yeah, this is a custom hook, here is an example of it's implementation,
i am reformatting code into an old react project, so i tried to implement it to see if it's efficient for the performance, so i can change it in the whole the project (Notice : when i implement it, i didn't change the other normal requests. It might be because of that, i don't know)

useEffect(() => {
    document.title = "Residanat | Liste des abonnées";
    GetAbonnes(page, sortOrder);
}, [page]);
const { data: abonne } = GetReqHandler(`admin/abonner?page=${page}`)
console.log("data ",abonne)

const FilterList = (e) => {
    page += 1;

const ProfileUtilisateur = (user) => props.history.push(`/home/abonne/${user._id}`, { user });

const GetAbonnes = (pageNumber, sortBy) => {
    AbonneService.FilterListAbonne(pageNumber, sortBy)
        .then((res) => {
            if (res.error) ErrorHandler(res.error)
            else {
                if (pageNumber > 1) setListAbonne([...listAbonne, ...res.response]);
                else setListAbonne([...res.response]);
                if (res.response.length < 15) setLoadMore(false);
                else {
                    page += 1;
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pallymore profile image
Yurui Zhang

Sorry for my late response.

I don't see any obvious errors with the implementation. maybe I'm not getting your question right - are you saying cancel is called right away when the component is still mounted? that shouldn't happen since you provided [] to useEffect which means it'll only run once and the clean up function is only called when the component unmounts (similar to componentDidMount + componentWillUnmount).

I made something similar to your first example and it works.

one quick things though: hook names should start with use - instead of GetReqHandler you probably want to rename it do useGetReqHandler.

Another thing to note is if you have hot module reloading - your page might unmount and re-mount the component which will cause cancellations - but if you are not doing that, I don't think the problem is here, you might want to check if your code works properly if you change it to a class component.

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farjallahmed profile image

Yea i thnik this is the problem.
instead of codesandbox here is the project on gitlab
React Project

the useGetReques used under home/abonne/abonne.js
and it's parent is home/home_container.js

if you could suggest a solution to solve this problem using hooks or i any kind of parameters.

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pallymore profile image
Yurui Zhang

Sorry again - would you mind adding me to that project? my gitlab handle is @pallymore


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farjallahmed profile image

I have solve it, i had to change the root component of routes to class instead of fuctional component and it solved the problem