DEV Community

Farheen Shaikh
Farheen Shaikh

Posted on

What would you consider in mind while writing code in Java Application?

Hello All,

I wanted to ask you all what all points a developer should keep in mind when writing quality code under timelines.

I will be checking out your comment soon...

Then, I will share an article on the same.
Happy Friday.

See ya :)

Top comments (2)

kaustubhyerkade profile image
kaustubh yerkade

That's a really great question.....

If we set technical considerations aside,
I would aim for my code to be highly reliable and sustainable over the long term, potentially spanning decades. We are uncertain about the longevity of our code, which could potentially span 10, 20, or even 50 years or might replaced within a month.

Considering the possibility of significant organisational, environmental or architectural changes in the future, it is essential that my code remains robust , adaptable & scalable without requiring extensive refactoring or modifications.

farheen_sk profile image
Farheen Shaikh

Well, that's very thoughtful of you @kaustubhyerkade ! Thanks for sharing your valuable comment.

Yes, perhaps we must consider writing code that sustainable over a period of time.