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Shahzada Fahad Ashraf
Shahzada Fahad Ashraf

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Tackling React's Most Loathed Interview Question - Diffing and Reconciliation Unveiled

In this article series where we focus on some of the most asked React Interview questions, is about time we discussed whatever the heck the Diffing Algorithm is!

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, of course, this we already knew.
However, to efficiently update the DOM and ensure optimal performance, React employs an algorithm that is responsible for detecting any changes made to the DOM and running a process called the "reconciliation process" that reflects these changes on the DOM. This algorithm is called the "Diffing Algorithm".

Diffing Algorithm:

At the core, React's diffing algorithm is responsible for determining the difference between the current Virtual DOM (representing the UI state) and the updated Virtual DOM after a state change. This process helps React identify the minimal set of changes needed to update the actual DOM, thereby enhancing performance.

The algorithm follows a strategy known as "tree reconciliation." It traverses the Virtual DOM trees and performs a depth-first search to identify differences between corresponding elements. React's reconciliation algorithm aims to minimize the number of DOM manipulations required to reflect the updated state, making the UI update process more efficient.

Key Steps in the Diffing Algorithm:

  1. Element Identification:
    React assigns a unique key to each element in the Virtual DOM, aiding in efficient identification during the diffing process.

  2. Tree Comparison:
    The algorithm compares corresponding elements in the old and new Virtual DOM trees, looking for differences.

  3. Component-Level Reconciliation:
    React optimizes the process by understanding the structure of components. It prioritizes updating components over individual elements to minimize unnecessary changes.

  4. Reordering Elements:
    When elements are reordered, React efficiently updates the order in the actual DOM rather than re-rendering each element.

Reconciliation Process:

Once the differences are identified through the diffing algorithm, React initiates the reconciliation process to update the actual DOM. The goal is to make the actual DOM mirror the updated Virtual DOM with minimal modifications.

Read more about the Virtual DOM here

Key Aspects of Reconciliation:

  1. DOM Updates:
    React updates only the parts of the DOM that have changed, avoiding unnecessary re-renders and promoting a more efficient rendering process.

  2. Lifecycle Methods:
    React invokes lifecycle methods like componentDidUpdate or in the modern versions, certain hooks, such as useEffect to allow developers to perform additional logic after a component updates.

  3. Keyed Elements:
    Properly utilizing keys for elements enhances the efficiency of the reconciliation process, preventing unnecessary re-renders and ensuring accurate updates.


Understanding React's diffing algorithm and reconciliation process is crucial for optimizing performance in React applications. By efficiently identifying and updating only the necessary parts of the DOM, React ensures a smooth and responsive user interface, making it a powerful choice for building dynamic web applications.

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