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Cover image for Zoom-Clone using NextJS-14, Clerk, TailwindCSS, StreamSDK
Faareh Ahemed
Faareh Ahemed

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Zoom-Clone using NextJS-14, Clerk, TailwindCSS, StreamSDK

Importance of Video Conferencing Applications:

In an era marked by remote work and virtual communication, the significance of video conferencing applications cannot be overstated. Especially in the wake of the global pandemic, these platforms have become essential tools for businesses, educational institutions, and individuals alike. Facilitating real-time communication, collaboration, and connection across distances, they bridge the gap between physical and digital interactions.

Development Tools:

For the development of my Zoom clone application, I leveraged a stack comprising Next.js, a popular React framework, provided a solid foundation for building a dynamic and responsive user interface. Clerk, with its authentication and user management features, ensured secure access to our application. TailwindCSS, streamlined the styling process with its utility-first approach, Shadcn for utilizing built-in components, while StreamSDK empowered us to integrate video streaming capabilities seamlessly.

NextJS Project Structure:

Project structure

This is the basic Folder Structure of our Application utilizing the NextJS App Router.

  • .env.local includes the Environment variables.

  • components folder contains the UI reusable components and also contains the components from Shadcn.

  • actions folder that ensures secure communication between my application and the Stream service. For Example: generating authentication tokens for interacting with the Stream service.

  • constants folder to store the constants used throughout the application, centralizing configuration values and avoiding hard-coded literals.

  • hooks folder to store the custom React Hooks.

  • public folder that contains the images and icons used in my application.

Project Functionalities:

Creating a New Meeting

Create Instant Meeting

Meeting Created

Users can Start a New meeting by simply clicking on the Start Meeting button. I have used the shadcn dialog component.
Here is a Summary of this feature:

  • Generate Call ID:
    It generates a random (id) to serve as the unique identifier for the call.

  • Create Call Object:
    Using the Stream client, it creates a new call object with the generated ID.

  • Handle Call Creation:
    If the call object is successfully created, the function proceeds to set the starting time of the meeting.

  • Update Call Details and Redirect:
    Upon successful creation of the call, the function updates the state with the newly created call object. It redirects the user to the meeting page using Next.js router.

  • Display Feedback:
    Finally, the function displays a toast notification, indicating that the meeting has been successfully created.

Scheduling a Meeting

Schedule Meeting


Upcoming Meeting

The application allows users to schedule future meetings by adding the description of the Meeting and the Scheduled Time.
Here is a Summary of this feature:

  • Preparation
    Check if a user is logged in and if the Stream client is available
    then generate a random id to serve as the unique identifier for the call.

  • Call Creation
    Utilizes the Stream client to create a new call object with the generated ID.

  • Handling Call Creation
    If the call object is successfully created, it proceeds to set the starting time of the meeting and sets the meeting description based on user input.

  • Display Feedback
    If the meeting is successfully scheduled, it displays a toast notification indicating that the meeting has been created.

Joining Meeting

Join Meeting
The user is asked to enter the Meeting Link they want to join, and upon entering the meeting link they are directed to the meeting Room through NextJS router.

View Recordings


Users can keep track of their Recorded Meetings and view the recorded Meeting anytime.
Here is a Summary of this feature:

  • Data Retrieval
    The application utilizes the custom hook to fetch call data and filter call recordings to extract relevant information for display.

  • User Interface
    Renders meeting cards for each recorded meeting, providing details such as meeting ID, start date/time, and options to play or start the meeting.


Developing a Zoom clone using Next.js, Clerk, TailwindCSS, and StreamSDK has been an enriching experience. Through this project, I've delved into the realm of video conferencing applications, understanding their importance in today's digitally connected world. From scheduling meetings to joining them seamlessly, every functionality has been meticulously crafted to ensure a smooth user experience.

With the powerful combination of Next.js for robust frontend development, Clerk for secure authentication, TailwindCSS for efficient styling, and StreamSDK for seamless video streaming, this application stands as a testament to the capabilities of modern web development tools and frameworks.

GitHub repository:

Connect with Me:

If you found this project insightful or have any questions, feel free to connect with me on social media:


I'm always open to feedback and collaboration. Let's connect and continue the conversation!

Top comments (2)

legendmind1 profile image

Excellent. This really an astounding effort. Has complete potential of being a sidecick app of zoom.
Our kudos to young developer!

faarehahmed profile image
Faareh Ahemed

Thanks for such appreciating words. Means a lot.