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Why Perl Remains Indispensable in the Age of Modern Programming Languages

Ah, Perl. The programming language that refuses to die. In a world flooded with shiny new toys like Go, Kotlin, and Python, Perl remains the wise (and slightly eccentric) grandparent at the family reunion, clutching its cherished regular expressions and muttering about the good old days. But before you roll your eyes and dismiss Perl as a relic, let’s dive into why this ancient language is still relevant. Spoiler alert: It involves some serious magic and a whole lot of text processing.

The Power of Text Processing

Perl’s text processing capabilities are legendary. No, seriously, they are. Imagine a Swiss Army knife, but instead of blades and screwdrivers, it has regex patterns and string manipulation functions. While other languages are busy with their fancy syntax and clean code, Perl is out there in the trenches, getting the job done with a regex pattern that looks like someone’s cat walked across the keyboard.

Example: Log File Analysis

System admins rejoice! Perl can plow through log files like a hot knife through butter. Need to find all the error messages in a 10GB log file? Perl’s got your back.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

my $log_file = 'system.log';
open my $fh, '<', $log_file or die "Cannot open $log_file: $!";
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
    if ($line =~ /ERROR/) {
        print $line;
close $fh;
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See? Easy peasy. While Python is off doing yoga and Go is busy with its minimalism, Perl is here, elbows deep in your log files, pulling out the gory details.

DevOps and Automation

In the age of DevOps, automation is king. And who better to automate your mundane, soul-crushing tasks than Perl? Forget spending hours on deployment. With Perl, you can sit back, relax, and watch the magic happen.

Example: Automated Deployment

Perl can automate deployments like a boss. Git pull? Check. Server configuration? Check. Deploy script? Double-check.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::SSH::Perl;

my $host = '';
my $user = 'deploy';
my $password = 'secret';

my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new($host);
$ssh->login($user, $password);

my $output = $ssh->cmd('cd /var/www/myapp && git pull origin master && ./');
print $output;
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While Kotlin is busy figuring out its coroutines, Perl is out there making your life easier, one deployment at a time.

Web Development

Web development, you say? Surely, Perl can’t compete with the likes of JavaScript and Python, right? Wrong. Enter Mojolicious, the web framework that lets you whip up web apps faster than you can say “Node.js”.

Example: Rapid Prototyping with Mojolicious

With Mojolicious, you can have a web app up and running in no time. Minimal boilerplate, maximum fun.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Mojolicious::Lite;

get '/' => {text => 'Hello, World!'};

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Take that, React! While you’re setting up your endless dependencies, Perl just launched a web app. Boom.

Data Science and AI

Sure, Python has pandas, and R has... well, R. But did you know Perl has the Perl Data Language (PDL)? It’s like Perl decided to dabble in data science and accidentally became pretty good at it.

Example: Data Analysis with PDL

PDL handles large datasets with the grace of a ballerina on a sugar rush. Need to calculate the mean? Perl’s got you covered.

use PDL;
use PDL::NiceSlice;

my $data = pdl [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
my $mean = $data->average;
print "Mean: $mean\n";
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While Python is off publishing papers, Perl is quietly crunching numbers in the corner, getting stuff done.

System Administration

System administration is where Perl truly shines. It’s like Perl was born for this stuff. Need to manage user accounts or automate backups? Perl’s your guy.

Example: User Management Script

Perl scripts can handle system admin tasks with the finesse of a ninja.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

my @users = qw(user1 user2 user3);

foreach my $user (@users) {
    system("useradd $user");
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While Go is busy being statically typed, Perl is out there making your sysadmin tasks look easy.


In a world obsessed with the latest and greatest, Perl stands as a testament to the power of simplicity and raw functionality. It may not have the flashiest syntax or the trendiest features, but it gets the job done. Whether it’s text processing, automation, web development, data science, or system administration, Perl is the unsung hero, quietly working behind the scenes. So, next time you’re faced with a daunting task, remember: Perl is still here, and it’s ready to help.

Thank You

And let’s not forget to extend a heartfelt thank you to Larry Wall, the genius behind Perl, and all the alpha nerds and sysadmin ninjas who’ve kept this language not just alive, but thriving. Your dedication and wit have made the tech world a better (and funnier) place. Here’s to many more years of Perl wizardry!

Top comments (5)

poti1 profile image
poti1 • Edited

With the first example, one can simply do:

perl -lne 'print if /ERROR/' system.log
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For me, perl began to really shine when I read through perldoc perlrun and realized how you can craft powerful yet tiny commands without the need for a script/file -- all from the command line.

manchicken profile image
Mike Stemle

Love me some Perl, and I still maintain a Perl module in CPAN for RabbitMQ. In all of my decades of software work I have found no better glue language either. Inline::C and similar modules make it so convenient to use Perl to tie non-Perl things together.

chrisarg profile image

This is a great post. Are you aware that there are activities in general scientific computing and AI that involve Perl? There are a couple of committees about these areas, and we hang around in facebook

davorg profile image
Dave Cross

Your frequent little pops at other languages seem unproductive. I'm someone who usually reaches for Perl first when I need to get something done - but your comments just got me thinking "well, that would be just as easy in Python/Go/Kotlin".

smonff profile image
🌌 Sébastien Feugère ☔

shiny new toys like Go, Kotlin, and Python

Well, Python was created 3 years after Perl. It’s immensely more trendy, but on the age aspect, it’s almost the same. Perl was quoted as a Python source of influence, though.