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Ramesh Krishnamoorthy
Ramesh Krishnamoorthy

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Connect SFTP server using C#

SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) is a secure method for transferring files between remote computers. If you're working with an SFTP server and need to access it using C#, there are a few steps you'll need to follow. In this blog post, I'll go through the basic process of connecting to an SFTP server using C# and the SSH.NET library.

Step 1: Install SSH.NET

Renci.SshNet is an easy to use and common library which can be used to establish connection to SFTP servers. The first step is to install this library using NuGet. You can do this by right-clicking on your project in Visual Studio, selecting "Manage NuGet Packages", and searching for "SSH.NET". Once you find the SSH.NET package, click "Install" to add it to your project.

Step 2: Establish a Connection

To establish a connection to an SFTP server using C#, you'll need to create an SftpClient object and call the Connect method. Here's an example:

using Renci.SshNet;

var host = "";
var port = 22;
var username = "your.username";
var password = "your.password";

var client = new SftpClient(host, port, username, password);
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In this example, we're creating an SftpClient object and passing in the hostname, port, username, and password for the SFTP server. We then call the Connect method to establish a connection.

Step 3: Transfer Files

Once you've established a connection, you can use the SftpClient object to transfer files between your local computer and the remote SFTP server. Here's an example:

var localPath = @"C:\path\to\local\file.txt";
var remotePath = "/path/to/remote/file.txt";

using (var fileStream = new FileStream(localPath, FileMode.Open))
    client.UploadFile(fileStream, remotePath);
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In this example, we're uploading a local file to the remote SFTP server. We first create a FileStream object to read the local file, and then call the UploadFile method on the SftpClient object to transfer the file to the remote server.

Step 4: Disconnect

Once you're done with your SFTP operations, you should call the Disconnect method on the SftpClient object to close the connection.

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In this blog post, we've gone through the process of connecting to an SFTP server using C# and the SSH.NET library. We covered the steps of installing the library, establishing a connection, transferring files, and disconnecting from the server. With this knowledge, you should be able to connect to an SFTP server using C# and perform a variety of file transfer operations.

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