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Cover image for GitUI v0.6
Stephan Dilly
Stephan Dilly

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GitUI v0.6

GitUI - the fastest terminal tool for git written in rust

In v0.6 you can open detail info on previous commits and inspect diffs in ⚡️speed:

Please check it out and let me know what you think❤️

Top comments (4)

5422m4n profile image
Sven Kanoldt

Pretty dope that tool! Well done.

Btw: I've noticed you use github workflow's CD features to attach the build artifacts on the release automatically. That it self is probably a nice post worthy. However, I wonder (and i'm using travis ci for my tool), about your workflow.
Do you have a final PR for a release where increment the Cargo.toml version number and after that PR got merged you tag? Or do you tag before the PR gets merged?

Next quesiton would then be cargo publish as part of CD or better not?

I found little good practises around that.

extrawurst profile image
Stephan Dilly

Hey thanks!

Currently the CD kicks in once a tag is set, before that I publish manually and update the version in cargo.toml - i still want to extend the CD pipeline to handle all of that once a tag is set.

regarding GitHub Actions I have written about that a while ago:

5422m4n profile image
Sven Kanoldt

Man, that is Gold! Even with Homebrew prep. Very cool.
Thanks a lot, I’ll gut it tomorrow a shot with Travis CI and see how far I come, also regarding cargo publish on tag.

weeklytyped profile image
Weekly Typed

This is a great tool! Great work. Love seeing great tools written in Rust. I'm new (maybe an advanced beginner), so it's cool to find something I can use that is also good example code :).