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Hein Rutjes for Expo

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Using Firebase Analytics with Expo

With the release of SDK 37.0.0, Expo now supports native Firebase Analytics 📈 in both Managed and Bare workflows. This release also includes some core enhancements toward supporting more native Firebase services 🔥 in the future.

Read on for instructions to get set up to record your first event, and more detail about how testing will work inside the Expo Client.


To get started, install both expo-firebase-core and expo-firebase-analytics into your project.

expo install expo-firebase-core expo-firebase-analytics

expo-firebase-core is another new package, it helps with automatically configuring Firebase on web and native.

Create a Firebase project

If you have done this already then you're good to go. Otherwise, go to the Firebase Console and create your project.


Before you can start using Firebase Analytics, we'll need to add your Firebase project configuration to your Expo app. Firebase is configured using "Google Services" configuration files. We need to register iOS and Android apps to the Firebase project.

Register iOS and Android apps

If you haven't built a standalone app yet, now would be a good time to come up with a bundleIdentifier for iOS and a package for Android (more on that here) -  you will need these for your Firebase project configuration.

Register a web app

It's important to also register a web app with your project and keep the web configuration handy because we will need it in the next step. This is used to test Firebase Analytics in the Expo client app and when running your app on the web.

Add the Firebase configuration to app.json

We need to now refer to this configuration on iOS, Android, and web inside of app.json, as follows:

  "expo": {
    "ios": {
      "googleServicesFile": "./GoogleService-Info.plist"
    "android": {
      "googleServicesFile": "./google-services.json"
    "web": {
      "config": {
        "firebase": {
          "apiKey": "AIzaXXXXXXXX-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
          "measurementId": "G-XXXXXXXXX"

Confused? Learn more in the detailed guide on how to setup native Firebase with Expo.

Basic usage

Once configured, you can now use logEvent to record events.

import * as Analytics from 'expo-firebase-analytics'; 
Analytics.logEvent('share', {
  contentType: 'text', 
  itemId: 'Expo rocks!', 
  method: 'facebook'

Depending on the platform that you are on, it may take up to an hour for the event to show up in the Firebase Analytics console. Read more about it here.

You can also associate additional user information with your events, so you can track specific audiences. Calling setUserId and setUserProperties will not record an event in itself, but transmit that information with every recorded event thereafter.

  hero_class: 'B',

Automatic event tracking

Besides manual event logging, the native Firebase SDKs also tracks events automatically. Things like first_visit and first_open are recorded on startup of your app.

Recording navigation events

In native apps, the native Firebase SDKs automatically track screen navigation. In React Native the navigation is often done in JavaScript and the Firebase SDK does not know how to hook-in to it, so you need to record these events yourself. The following example shows how you can use setCurrentScreen to track screen navigation using react-navigation. See Screen tracking for analytics in the React Navigation documentation, and where necessary substitute the tracking code with the following:


Usage with the Expo client

There are some differences when you use expo-firebase-analytics with the App Store version of the Expo client, compared to in standalone builds and the Bare workflow.

On standalone builds, in custom clients and in the Bare workflow, expo-firebase-analytics uses the native Firebase SDK. In the App Store version of the Expo client, it uses a JavaScript implementation of Firebase Analytics. This is because native Firebase Analytics is designed as a singleton and is tightly coupled with the default Firebase app (related issues), which doesn't work in the standard Expo client.

It proved to be impossible to get native Firebase Analytics working reliably in the Expo client, so we created a custom Firebase Analytics JavaScript implementation that can communicate with the Google Analytics back-end.

This allows you to test your analytics inside of the Expo client, then have the full capabilities of the native SDK in your standalone app. Some automatic events are not recorded on the Expo client, but you can still record events using logEvent and use all the functions of the API.

In order for the JavaScript implementation to work, don't forget to add the firebase web configuration to your app.json as mentioned above.

The measurementId field in the firebase-config is required. If you don't see it then you might need to upgrade your Firebase project to the latest version of Google Analytics.

Why not just include react-native-firebase ?

A common question that we get a lot is why react-native-firebase isn't included in the Expo client. If it were technically feasible for us to do that, we'd like to - but there are factors that prevent us from doing so.

One of the problems is that some parts of the native Firebase SDK are written for single-app environments and are tightly coupled with other services. This makes running the native Firebase SDK in the multi-app Expo client challenging and, in some cases like Analytics, even impossible. Other Firebase services (like Dynamic Links and some Auth providers) require that URL schemes are defined within the app in order to work.

Another issue for us is that react-native-firebase doesn't support web or plan to. It's important for us that packages included in the Expo SDK either provide functional parity on web or, if not possible, then a reasonable fallback.

Lastly, we need to minimize dependencies on external services in packages included in the Expo client that we ship to the stores. The core of the Expo SDK will be free of third-party service dependencies in the long run, and those libraries will instead be available to developers through our upcoming build service. This is still evolving, and we'll share more in the future.

We are looking forward to bringing as much of the Firebase functionality to our users as possible. If you have Firebase-related feature requests, feel free to add or upvote them in our feature request tracker.


Top comments (1)

bitttttten profile image

Thanks for the article! Although after installing, I do get a warning that

Firebase Analytics is not available in the Expo client. See "" on more information on setting up Firebase Analytics with the standard Expo client.
- node_modules/expo/build/environment/muteWarnings.fx.js:18:23 in warn
- node_modules/expo-firebase-analytics/build/ExpoFirebaseAnalytics.js:40:17 in callAnalyticsModule
- node_modules/expo-firebase-analytics/build/ExpoFirebaseAnalytics.js:51:15 in <global>
- node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:45:44 in tryCatch
- node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:271:30 in invoke
- node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:45:44 in tryCatch
- node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:135:28 in invoke
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Even though I do see my Firebase logging in the console. Any idea if this is just a false positive warning?