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How to Use the Free DeepL Translation API in Python

1. What is the DeepL Translation API?

The DeepL Translation API is an interface that allows developers to integrate high-quality translation functionality into their own applications, websites, or services. With this API, developers can leverage DeepL's advanced translation technology to automatically translate between multiple languages.

2. What are the Features of the DeepL Translation API?

  1. Highly Accurate Translation Results

    DeepL is known for its excellent translation quality, offering more natural and accurate translations, especially when dealing with complex sentence structures and specialized texts.

  2. Supports Multiple Languages

    Covers many common and uncommon languages, meeting diverse translation needs.

  3. Fast Response

    Returns translation results in a short time, enhancing application efficiency and user experience.

3. What Are the Application Scenarios for the DeepL Translation API?

  1. Multilingual Websites and Applications

    Provides real-time translation services for websites and applications with international user bases.

  2. Document Translation Tools

    Helps handle large-scale document translation tasks, improving work efficiency.

  3. Cross-border E-commerce Platforms

    Facilitates communication and transactions with customers who speak different languages.

4. What Problems Can the DeepL Translation API Solve?

  1. Language Barriers

    Breaks down communication barriers between different languages, allowing information to be more widely disseminated and understood.

  2. Improving Translation Efficiency

    Compared to manual translation, it can quickly process large volumes of text.

  3. Ensuring Translation Consistency

    Maintains consistency in terminology and style in large-scale translation tasks.

5. Are There Alternatives to the DeepL Translation API?

There are other translation APIs available on the market, such as Google Translate API and Tencent Translation API. Each has its own features and advantages, and the choice depends on your specific needs and application scenarios.

6. Python Integration with the DeepL Translation API

Below is a simple Python code example showing how to use the DeepL Translation API:

import requests
import hashlib

def translate_text(text):
    # Assume you have an API key, for example, api_key = "your_api_key"
    api_key = "your_api_key"

    # Calculate message digest
    message = text + api_key
    md5_hash = hashlib.md5(message.encode()).hexdigest()

    url = ""

    headers = {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        "Authorization": f"MD5 {md5_hash}"  # Add encrypted validation header

    data = {
        "text": text

    response =, headers=headers, json=data)

    if response.status_code == 200:
        return response.json()['translation']
        return "Translation error"

text = "Hello, World!"
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Please note that in actual use, you need to authenticate and set relevant parameters according to DeepL’s requirements.

7. Example of Translation Quality in Different Domains by the DeepL Translation API

Here are some examples of the DeepL Translation API’s performance in translating texts from different fields:


Original: "The development of artificial intelligence has brought revolutionary changes to various industries."

Translation: "The development of artificial intelligence has brought revolutionary changes to various industries."

Medical Field:

Original: "The patient was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and required immediate chemotherapy."

Translation: "The patient was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and required immediate chemotherapy."


Original: "The moonlight spilled over the quiet lake, creating a magical scene."

Translation: "The moonlight spilled over the quiet lake, creating a magical scene."

As seen, the DeepL Translation API provides accurate and natural translations across different fields.

8. How to Find More Translation APIs?

The API platform offers various ways to discover APIs: through keyword searches, browsing API categories in the API Hub, and indirectly finding APIs from open platforms classified by enterprises.

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