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How to Fix #### Error in Excel Office 365? – [with Examples]

#### Error in Excel:

In this guide, you will understand what is #### Error in Excel Office 365 , why it occurs, and how to fix it. Let’s see them below!! Get an official version of MS Excel from the following link:

#### Error in Excel:

  • A String of hash characters ( #### ) appears when a formula result is larger (wider) than the cell.

#### Error – Reasons:

  • If you want to print the date in an Excel cell, it will show this #### Error. Because the date is formatted as long characters that cannot be fit into the cell.


How to fix it?

  • To avoid this error in Excel, you need to extend the width of the column of the cell by dragging it. After increasing the cell width, it will replace the # values with the desired output values.

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In this guide, you can understand what is #### Error in Excel Office 365 , why it occurs, and how to fix it with an example. Drop your suggestions in the below comment section. Thanks for visiting Geek Excel. Keep Learning!!

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