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Convert Date to Day of Week With Text Function in Excel Office 365!!

Sometimes you need to find the day of the week on a specified date. If you don’t know how to get it in Microsoft Excel, then we will assist you to learn the steps to achieve it. In this short article, we are going to see how to Convert Date to Day of the Week in Excel using the TEXT Function. Let’s get into this article!!

Description and Syntax of Text Function:

  • The TEXT Function will accept a numeric value as the first argument, then convert it into the text based on the format code in the second argument.
  • In Simple words, the text function converts a number to text in the given format.
  • Using this function you can convert all the standard number formats such as date, times, currency to a text string in Excel.

The Syntax of the TEXT function is,

=TEXT(value, format_text)

Argument Explanation:

  • Value – A number that you want to convert into text.
  • Format_text – The format that you want to apply to the given value.

Practical Example:

Let’s see some examples for your reference.

Example 1:

  • Here, we are going to find the date to day of the week.
  • To achieve this, we will use the Text function with this format code (“ddd” or “dddd”).
  • If you want to get the day of the name as an abbreviation from dates such as Mon, Tue, etc. you can apply the below formula.

=TEXT(date, “ddd”)

  • Let’s see the below example image.
  • You can see that the formula is entered in cell C2 and the input date is given in cell B2.

Enter the formula
Enter the formula

  • After applying the formula, click the *ENTER * button.
  • This formula will return the date to the day of the week as per the below example image.

Example 1
Example 1

Example 2:

  • In case, you want to get the full day name of the week, such as Monday, Tuesday, etc.
  • You need to enter the below formula.

=TEXT(date, “dddd”)

  • In the below image, we will enter the formula in cell C2 and the input date is given in cell B2.

Enter a formula
Enter a formula

  • It will display the full day name of the specified date.

Example 2
Example 2

Using WEEKDAY and CHOOSE function:

  • You can also use the WEEKDAY function along with the CHOOSE function to get the day of the week in Excel.
  • Enter the below formula to get the full day name of the specified date.


  • Refer to the below image.
  • Here you can see that the formula is entered in theformula bar section the input date is given in cell B2.
  • After applying the formula, just click the ENTER button to get the result.

Choose and Weekday function
Choose and Weekday function

More Format Codes:

The below-given table will help to know more format codes in Excel formatting. Make use of it.

| Format


Description Examples
0 It will display the digits in their place. It can force the function to display at least two decimal places. =TEXT(18.3012, “$##.00”)

Output = $18.30

| # | This will display the placeholder. |

=TEXT(5.678, “#.##”)

Output = 5.66

| . | It shows the position of the decimal point. | =TEXT(45.4, “0.00”)

Output = 45.40

| d | Represents the day of the month or day of the week. | =TEXT(TODAY(), “dddd”)

Output = Monday

| m | It refers to the month of the year. | =TEXT(TODAY(), “MM/DD/YY”)

Output = 01/04/21

| y | Year | =TEXT(TODAY(), “MM/DD/YY”)

Output = 01/04/21

| h | Hour is represented by one or two-digit number. | =TEXT(15:20, “hh:mm”)

Output = 15:20

| m | Minute | =TEXT(14:15, “hh:mm”)

Output = 14:15

| s | Second | Nil |


From this tutorial, we have described the simple steps to get the Date to Day of the Week in Excel using the TEXT Function. Hope you like this article. If you have any other ideas or question, do share with us here in the comments section below. To learn more, check out our website Geek Excel!!

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