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Discussion on: ⚔️ Moving from VScode to Webstorm ⚔️

exadra37 profile image
Paulo Renato

There are more tools that work than just Sublime editor

Not saying the opposite.

This is imo pretty extreme, in a lot of cases a company can have a reason to harmonize tooling and to just dismiss this because of your preference makes you look inflexible.

I recognize it can be seen as an extreme position, but I am a Developer because of passion, not just because it's on more profession, therefore I prefer to work with the tools I like, provided that they do not affect the expected results from me.

This being said I don't see why I can't use my preferred editor where I feel it is better for me. For example to code Android Apps I just use Android Studio(see my orignal comment), despite my dislike of it, I recognize that is more productive to use it, then using Sublime.

What is "extreme" is companies "forcing" developers to use certain Operating Systems, I am looking at using MACs to develop for Linux, and then resorting to VMs to run the code, really!!! Ok I forgot that using a MAC is often more about status and aesthetics then about using the right tool for the job.

My philosophy is that If I need to code in .net I will use a Windows OS, If I need to code an iOS App I will use a MAC computer, and for the rest I will use a Linux OS.

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adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

I have a Mac, I don't like it but I do use it and it's 8 cores and does fine. I long for a Linux machine. But it's all about the same to me.