DEV Community

Carlos Saito
Carlos Saito

Posted on

How to maintain a huge repo with sporadic access

In our team we have the healthy habit of automating our process in simple ways.

One simple way of doing it is to create scripts, snippets of code that are just run from a developer computer. It could include things like calling an API and writing a CSV file from there. We called them scripts but it can be called "CLI apps" if you prefer it. Some scripts we use them only once, others we use them every now and then (like once in a month)...

We have one repo with several of those scripts. Each script is in a directory. All are in Node.js so every directory has a package.json file. To run it, you simply do cd «directory»; npm install; node .

How do you maintain and keep updated a repo like that? We don't want to check every dependency of every directory... Maybe a monorepo?

All suggestions are welcome :)

Top comments (1)

corentinbettiol profile image
Corentin Bettiol

We use gitlab to store some snippets/repos that contains bash/python scripts (we used gists & github before, some of my gists are public).
Sometimes, we clone them, run them, and delete the local repo.

But I don't really know nodejs or Devops enough to give an advice here ¯_(ツ)_/¯