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Discussion on: My (k)Ubuntu (OSX look alike) desktop setup

ewoks profile image

what about tools that you use on MacOS... i.e. desktop widgets like übersicht, iTerm/brew, zsh and similar... how you go around that when switching from Mac to Linux machine?

kmbremner profile image
Keith Bremner • Edited

Hyper ( is a decent cross-platform replacement for iterm - you can have the same setup on Linux, Mac and Windows.

Zsh and oh-my-zsh work on Linux.

And where you would use brew on Mac, you use apt on (K)Ubuntu. It’s similar but also lets you update core OS packages.

solarliner profile image
🇨🇵️ Nathan Graule

Linuxbrew is the spiritual brother to Homebrew on macOS. System package managers work differently so it's not really adequate to put them on the same footing.