Recursion according to DSA Course from Zero To Mastery is an algorithmn, that allows to define something in terms of itself or a function that call itself.
For example
let multiplyBy5 = (num) => {
if(num === 1) return 5
return multiplyBy5(num - 1) + 5
As you can see recursion, is useful for repetitive task.
Of courser iterative solutions are way more better for this small problems.
But when you need to traverse a tree or a graph ( something that is wildly uncommon for Js developer )
Or validate a Binary Search Tree.
const isValidBST = function(root, min, max) {
if(!root) return true
if( (min && root.val <= min.val) || (max && root.val >= max.val) )
return false
return isValidBST(root.left, min, root) && isValidBST(root.right, root, max)
Recursion offers :
- DRY Code (Don't repeate yourself)
- Readability
- Useful when you don't know how deep a data structure is
- Solve problems using a divide and conquer approach
- Iterative solution are more efficient, since they don't have additional function call (they don't use the call stack)
- Space complexity and Recursion are not friends
- For new developers it's hard to wrap around their minds
To solve the space complexity issue, there is something call:
- Tail Call Optimization It allows recursion without increasing the call stack
However, and the reason you're here.
Supringsingly, only [Apple Products*](, support this feature.
The others major js enviroment like, Chrome, Firefox, Edge (client side) and node.js (server side) doesn't support and that might never changes.
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